Oct 31, 2004 21:47
ok, so tomorrow after are game against franklin, my soccer career is officially over. its a very sad thought, cuz as much as my team annoys me, i still luv playing soccer everyday. i dunno, after 4 years, its gunna b so weird knowing that theres no, "we'll do better next year". this is it, we're done. over, no more chances, we screwed up are senior year. im not ready to be done with soccer. but i guess it doesnt really matter, either way, its over.
but other than soccer, life is good. im ballin wit my new ride. i have a job, and schools not that bad. so i guess i shudnt really complain that much, but hey, its my journal, so whos gunna stop me???
yeah, and if anyone hasnt had chocolate chip waffles, OMG GO GET SOME. they are like the greatest food in the world. i eat them all day everyday durin school. ok, im out. peace.