Ok. So. I should probably make a normal update, but I can't be bothered for multiple reasons. There's too much to tell, and I don't know how to formulate all that yet, so here I am with a meme instead.
The game is this: Comment here and I will pick 3 interests of yours listed on your user-info and three icons of yours. Make a post explaining them and asking others to comment for their own. It's supposed to be a good way to get to know each other and all. :)
Given by
1) Gamecube. One thing that stuck with me from childhood and made it's way into an little obsession is video games. I'm a big fan of PS2, but I've always loved Gamecube because of the type of games that are made for it. Interesting, but cute and cartoony and bubbly. Like Mario. :)
2) Hollywood. I've always been enthralled by the "high life", because I want and I almost feel it in my veins that's the kind of life I want to live. It's something I love, it's something I can and want to get, and it's something that can give me the freedom that I so badly want. I am a striving actress, and it's going swell, though slowly. The "ladder of success" in this industry has a whole lot of holes in it, and cracks and stuff. Too easy to fall back down and have to start all over again. Hollywood is my goal - it's the last stop for any actor or actress, right? It's my ultimate destination, and ain't nothing's going to stop me until I'm there.
3) 19th century literature. I'm an avid reader, and I have always been a particular fan of 19th century (particularly British) literature. I love the language especially - so poetic and flowing. I also love the style and the values of literatue of back then, if you know what I mean. Writers like Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte etc. are, for me, some of the best writers. I also like the literature of that time because it is so high quality - literature nowadays hardly measures up.
- I love Mark Twain, and I stand firmly by that quote. It's brilliant - I never get tired of quoting it (and it's sad how I get a chance to so very often). One of the biggest things that bothers me about people is how much they like to distort the facts or reality if it doesn't suit them. I agree with him - one has the freedom to make up all kinds of bullshit and hang shades in front of one's eyes, but only as long as they've got the actual facts straight. Twain was an amazing writer, full of wit and sarcasm, and he has said a hell of a lot of things that I agree with.
- Well, there are a couple of reasons I chose that icon. First - I love Disney. I'm a big sucker for everything Disney. The classics (like Beauty and the Beast), I particularly treasure. Why this icon matches me is because I tend to giggle a lot... a lot. ;) One of my nicknames used to be Giggles, in fact.
- This icon is pretty much there to represent my love of writing. It's a feather instead of a pen because I love "classics" when it comes to literature and writing. I'm a bit old-styled. I don't like books that are written in slang, or chat-speak, or "teenage language", so the quill represents evrything opposite, which is my style of writing.
Given by
1. Alan Rickman - Yeah, I just mispelled that. ;) I did mean Alan, not Allan. I've always loved him. Many think I'm weird because I think he's a very attractive man, but I still think that. I think he's an amazing actor. I loved him in Dogma, I loved him in Sense and Sensibility and I adored him in Harry Potter. Also, I can make love to his voice. In my opinion, he has the hottest voice hands down. :D
2. Master and Margarita - That novel completely blew me away. Bulgakov is an amazing writer - I'm a big fan of his work - but that particular novel, I think, is one of the best ever written. Voland (the devil) is one of my all-time favorite written characters, as well as Behemoth the cat. His writing is so deep and metaphorical, when I studied the novel in Grade 12 Russia and actually understood all the metaphors of Stalin and the KGB to the devil and his possy, it just blew me away. :D Amazing novel, in short.
3. Darkness - When I was little, I used to be afraid of the dark. Now, it's pretty much something I feed off of. I have this thing about my eyes - I can see in the dark better than I can see in the light. Because of this, I feel like I have an advantage in the dark, and it makes me feel safe and calm. Ironically, I was named after a flower that only bloons at night (Margarita). :)
- My User Info icons change very very often. Ihave this thing - my UI icons are never fandom, or silly, or cutesy etc. They're usually something beautiful - nature of whatever. I love this icon because it sort of feels like it represents me. The darkness, the water, the tranquility of it all...
- This is one of the random icons in my batch.
ksarasara was using it, and when I saw it it made me laugh for such a long time I had to have it. :P It's ironic for me to be using it, but still. I think it's a good rant icon. :D