Nov 05, 2005 14:23
HIIIIIII YOU GUYZZZZZZ, i havent updated in like 435384 days...
haha anyways just chillin and stuff...Oh MY gosh, im so screwed for my french grade >_<
my mom said that i shood get a tutor in french, sum tutors ppl recomended:
1)Yohan ( vinnie was like omg u shood totalloy get him to tutor u, maybe even una, im like >_<)
2)tanvir(my mom asked if he had a good grade and i said yes, A-, and she was like ask him if he can tutor you...well sum of you know the slightest issues with that....)
IM srry steph, that must effin suk!!!!...well atleast therrs bin sum good viewingz this week at brunch, but never enuf
lotsa luv - KRISH ^_^