(no subject)

Jul 18, 2010 02:12

title need
rating r
prompt 097. writer's choice: need
word count 1,645
pairing david silva/sergio ramos
summary written for footballkink: Ramos/Silva. Don't ask me why, I just think it'd be adorable. Feel free to throw in something about them being drawn together because they're both in love with married men (i.e. Torres and Villa) or Silva being homesick for Spain after moving to Man City (wouldn't you go to Sergio if you wanted a dose of Spain?) or all of the above. Or not! Up to you.

“We’re playing United this week,” Sergio says the next time Silva calls. “Champions league.”

“Oh,” Silva says. There’s a brief silence that seems to stretch into eternity. “Come over after.”

rating: adult graphic, player: david silva, player: sergio ramos, fic: oneshot, type: slash

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