Mar 15, 2004 16:55
Wow. Two days and I have already hit so many highs and lows. ..I woke up at 4pm today, what the fuck is wrong with me. I woke up to an empty house, a message-less cell phone, and short list of people to call to see. After none of those people on the list picked up I began to sink into deep despondency. ..'what is going here', 'who and where are my friends', 'what the fuck am I going to do all this week' on and so forth. FINALLY Lauren picks up and comes over with Andrew, 1 min before they get here I get in touch with Jess who is now heading over, and 3 min after L Bam and Andrew get here my brother walks in with 50 other kids...yay, despondency for the day is over. Life has purpose again...for the time being.
This weekend was a different matter tho. Friday Lauren and I had a great low-key time at FU..most everyone was gone for Spring Break, but she got to meet some key people..aka Julissa, Amy, Alice, BeBe, loves. Sat, is where the madness begins. We drop lauren back home and I spend the afternoon with Dave. In the midst of chillin I get a marvelous phone call from a long lost love...MARGOOOOO!..for those of you who 'know' really dont know a fucking thing about her, and for those of you who dont..she was the perfect person to talk to at that moment. She was nostalgia case #1, but with her it was different. It was happy nostalgia...not nostalgia that depresses you to the point of absolute despondency, like pretty much everything else. She asked me to marry her when I was ready to 'settle down, have sex with me, have beautiful kids, have me make dinner for you, and be really rich.' ..I said yes naturally. The second fantastic encounter was with Theo. Picked my dawg up and brought him over and liquored him up. He was really funny until Laurens house where he went overboard..still love him tho. Tim is the man, he is a great friend and we share a great connection. Chillin with him made me really thankful that we still maintain our friendship despite the school difference and the other town difference. It was super-duper.
Of course seeing Carly and Jessica and meeting Brian from TCNJ was fantastic, but the really icing on the cake came with my discussion with Kevin. Yes, Kevin. We both finally sat down and spoke to each other, even though it wasnt exactly..shall I say a mutual decision to speak. But I'm really glad we did. I mean, the air isnt exactly entirely cleared but its better and I'm optimistic that thing may eventually become amiable. I'm actually hoping to go to TCNJ tomorrow, which will be a good time as long as i can pull it off. (evening of nostalgia x200)
Sunday I had to drop Tim off..and on the way he found an old Ataris CD in my car. Not just any CD, but one of my fav. punk CDs I owned. Its been lost for ..oh I dont know..a year, and it was the most beautiful Ataris CD before they fucking SOLD OUT!!!! The CD reminded me soooo much of Dana and the time right when we became friends, and hit me really hard, because it seemed like so much of what the tracks were singing about directly applied to whats going on here with everyone. It was a nostalgia heart attack. and still is. Its like I want to listen to the CD sooo much because I love every song, but yet its kinda painful because it strongly reminds of things soo distance from todays reality. Maybe I'm being over dramatic and maybe I was just really fucked when I was listening to it last night with Lauren, but it was painful, and not having Dana here made it rough..but maybe better because I wasnt able to reminece about the Atari concert (our first together/ our first time chillin/ CBGB T shirt maddness!) lol. Good times.
AHhhhhhhhh...oh yeah and last night I saw Wrestlemania XX with John Coyle!!! LOL. Wow...yeah, I seriously havnt watched WWF (I refuse to call it WWE) in like 4 years and I havnt chilled with Coyle in just as many..j/k john. I was fantastic! THE UNDERTAKER made his glorious return WITH PAUL BEARER ooohhhh yesssss!! lol, it was a happy does of nostalgia and I'm so glad I watched it with John. Good Times.
SOOOOO..I guess theres nothing else to do except wait and see what this fucking week brings, and hope its more good times than bad. ciaoo.