Jun 23, 2008 21:38
Be friendly without being flirtatious.
Seems easy, right? Nu-uh. It isn't as simple as it sounds, at least for me. But is it necessary? Yes. Yes it is.
Because I can't tell if he's flirting or just being friendly, because he's the kind of person where it could be either one,
and since it sounds sort of like flirting, I automatically flirt back because it's my stupid nature to do so whether I want
to or not, and that's not good, and I don't really want him to think that I'm flirting. But I think he's just being friendly. So
then how I'm being would translate as friendly. So maybe this isn't as niggling (isn't that a great word?) as I thought.
Still, the mantra is an important one, just in general. One must be careful with whom one flirts, otherwise one could
gain an undesired follower. Heed these cautionary words, dear children. HEEED.
P.S. Gotta love the completely unnecessary tags for this post