Strange boring ramblings of a Julia with too much time on her hands

Jun 12, 2008 21:39

I'm not really writing for any particular reason right now other than I'm kind of bored and feeling too lazy to read music or French. A.k.a. I don't feel like really using my brain.
I'm happy 'cause it looks like I have plans for tomorrow. Earlier today I was looking forward to having two straight days of nothingness, but after a full day of nothingness I'm really ready for some something now. Oh, my elegant prose.
I had one of those evenings of being bored and telling myself that I like being bored but really just letting my brain be dead for a little too long, to the point where it starts making things up to occupy me. For example, the whole god-damn-it-I-want-a-boyfriend rant randomly popped up about an hour ago out of nowhere! Well, out of looking at pictures of Noel Fielding and thinking god-damn-it-why-can't-I-have-sex-with-this-man (I mean REALLY, WHY NOT? He's so beautiful and sexy and funny and strange-looking in a gorgeous way!), but that's still basically nowhere. *SIGH*. It's strange...I flip-flop between very much NOT wanting a boyfriend, and the exact opposite, but rarely am I in between. And I just tell myself to hold out until college when I will no longer be in the nearly-zero-boys bubble of CSW, but...mehh. I'm on the IWANTONEOFTHOSEPLEASE end again.
But, as I said, remember that this is stemming from my brain's boredom with what it has, so it's seeking out what it doesn't have, or making things up. Since school ended I've enjoyed letting my brain mush out a bit, but I forget how easily it can drive me insane. Sometimes I can tell when I'm about to go nuts, sometimes I can't, and sometimes I just deny it and tell myself to just enjoy not having to think so hard. I haven't gone nuts yet though, yay! And I've spotted it before it's hit, so I am avoiding it by making plans and seeing people. Yay! I don't think it'll ever really hit, actually, because on Saturday my calendar starts REALLY being full, and work training starts next week. So these random rants and freaky dreams will go away, or at least be delayed for a while. I had ANOTHER dream involving death last night, although I'm not sure totally how. I just vaguely remember something about a noose and someone being hanged or somethingorother. Aaksdhgafkhjdlfkh.

And this virus is still annoying. For some weird reason LJ is one of the few sites it actually lets me visit. Google, Facebook, blogs, and an endless random selection of websites are prohibited. They just never load. Ever. Stupid computer. Why.

vacation, weird, bored, random, boys, computer, guys, viruses, brain

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