Major recap!!

Apr 18, 2009 21:04

WHOA I have been majorly slacking off with posting!! SORRY! Pwahhhh it's just that a lot has been happening even though I'm also slacking off in terms of other work as well. LET'S SEEeeeeeee....

MONDAY: Prepped for capstone, and had a HORRIFYING FREUDIAN SLIP. Have you ever experienced a true, honest-to-gawd Freudian slip, where some part of your subconscious decides to basically streak naked through the public for one split second, revealing something about you to the world that you didn't realize was there, or you did but you never thought it would be exposed? And you realize how creepy and weird it is that you just said what you just said but deep down you do know exactly why it happened? WELL, that happened to me. And not everyone noticed, so it could've probably been ignored, had I not immediately reacted in shock, saying very loudly, "DID I JUST SAY ____?!!" So, I really ruined things for myself there. The worst part? Mo claims that this is not the first time I've had this same Freudian slip. He thinks I've said it once or twice before in the past!! WHAT!!!

In the evening, I did NO homework whatsoever. But I went through a brief version of my capstone presentation with my mom, baked lots and lots of cookies (Trader Joe's has some seriously delicious frozen chocolate chip cookie dough), and made sure that my powerpoint, complete with working movie clips, was all ready to go on the laptop.

TUESDAY: My capstone went better than I could've possibly imagined. I was so overjoyed at how well every aspect of it went. I got to skip my least favorite class and make the room pretty, and then suddenly the little room filled to bursting point with people! My parents, grandparents, and uncle were there, and my friends, and teachers, and random people drifted in during the presentation as well. Every chair was taken up! That alone made me feel great; that I had a room full of people at my command, who were all there to see my presentation. When I showed my videos, they laughed and laughed and laughed! I was sooo relieved and happy. It was difficult to tell how my presentation was going while I was doing it, but apparently it was great. I didn't say "um," my pacing was okay, and I answered every question before anyone had the chance to ask them. When it was over, I couldn't stop beaming. People said so many wonderful things, and my capstone advisor was so pleased and impressed! UGH it was such a fabulous way to end the capstone experience!

WEDNESDAY: I was sleepy and recovering from all of the anticipation and excitement of my capstone. Senioritis has been setting in like pavement upon my soul (how emo-poetic of me, I know, I know) as of late, and that also hit hard on this day for some reason. Alison had me do a mini version of my presentation to my capstone group, since they hadn't been able to go see it. On Wednesday it finally soaked in that in Shakespeare ensemble, Rachel really doesn't let me play my character as a character. It's like she doesn't really want me to act; she makes me play Hermia as a characature, like she's a Barbie doll in a soap opera. Which is annoying because I feel like I'm being forced to not really ACT, and it takes away the reasons why I was so excited to be Hermia. The play doesn't have to be stupid,'s becoming that way anyway, which is very disappointing. Everybody in the ensemble has the capability to put together a fabulous play, but the direction of the play is guiding us away from that potential. I'm trying not to complain though; Shakespeare ensemble is my favorite part of the day, and it's sooo much fun no matter what. So I want to enjoy that to its fullest while I still have the opportunity to.

THURSDAY: This day SUCKED. It was the shittiest day I'd had in a long time, because rarely do I go through a day where each chunk of it is worse than the previous one, until it all adds up to emotional meltage. First, we had a two hour assembly with this really amazing, inspiring performer who I'd seen before. His performance was even more powerful the second time. But because it hit on so many sensitive issues that can somehow touch pretty much anyone, a lot of people were completely emotionally drained by the end of it, myself very much included. Perfectly understandable. Then we had to go straight to A Block, during which time we didn't actually talk about Shakespeare because we needed time to decompress. It was nice to babble for a while before completely having to switch gears. But then things got stressful because one student suddenly made the whole class about her and her closed-mindedness. I've had classes with her before and she is always like this. But this time it was worse because she complained about feeling like she was being penalized for being herself, and for being "different," or something. And her argument was absurd and she was so closed-minded that she didn't even listen to the teacher's questions or rationale or ANYTHING. It made me have flashbacks of last year's Shakespeare class, which was kind of horrifying. This time was supposed to be better! This time was supposed to be perfect! And now it seemed like it was going to be ruined. So, after already having been drained of emotional energy, I was now REALLY upset and angry at this student. I spent the first half of lunch huffing and ranting, and the second half interviewing a perspective math teacher because there weren't enough people from Curriculum Committee available. The interview was nice and distracting; it definitely cooled me down. BUT, then I walk into C Block, and my desk partner has compleeeetely taken over the desk with tons of humongous junk, which is very disrespectful because (a) everyone's supposed to leave the desk space clean when they're done and (b) I'd courteously moved all of MY things to the correct side, and in doing so apparently at some point one of my items fell and smashed to pieces. I sacrificed for him, and this is how he repaid me. Bastard! So then I was angry AGAIN. At the end of class I had a nice talk with Todd about my assemblages, and then rushed off to Shakespeare Ensemble, which I was late to. And I didn't realize how much all of the day's stressful events had added up and taken a toll on me until I said my check-in, briefly outlining the day and beginning to cry. I was angry and embarrassed at suddenly not being able to stop crying, especially when I'd hoped that check-in and Shakespeare would save this day. THANKFULLY, I recovered after just a little while in the bathroom, and had major recouperation when I got home (warm buttered bagel, chick-flick, hour-long bath, and super early bedtime ftw!) PHEWF. wattadayyyy.

FRIDAY: This day was looovely! It was SOOO WARM OUTSIDE, like SEVENTY DEGREES and SUNNY!!! Silly B Block was first up, then A Block during which time we sat OUTSIDE in the GRASS on the ROCKS in the BEAUTY and discussed ROMEO montague and it was SO SO LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY! Then lunch outsiiiiide, and then I met with Todd and he helped me build part of my box which was really niiiiice, and it was coooool, and c block was gooood, and I was inspiiiiiired, and then Shakespeare ensemble was fine. YAY! I need to work on my loving glances though.

tired, weather, capstone, school, animation, senioritis, happiness, shakespeare ensemble

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