Mar 01, 2009 10:32
So much to write about that I have no IDEA how to write about.
This week has been pretty almost indescribably tumultuous.
Tuesay: Robin (and my friend's grandfather's passing)
Wednesday: Aftermath
Thursday: Recovery, almost return to normalcy
Friday: Everything turned upside down, shock, horrific betrayal, disgusting violation, unease, embarrassment, fear and hatred (and my sister's boyfriend's grandmother's passing)
Friday Night: Distraction with friends, basketball game, intense and exciting but in the end quite tragic, another breakdown about the day and the week before bed
Saturday: Hanging out at school surrounded by musical people making costumes with Tom, then an okay rehearsal with the men in costume, kind of tired and a tiny bit annoyed, come home and collapse from exhaustion, go to see a really bad production of Antigone (yes, Greek tragedy, that is what is needed at the end of such a week as this-- we thought we could leave during intermission if it was just too depressing, but there was no intermission so we couldn't) which was badly directed, badly acted, and badly written/adapted. Went home, had some yummeh Baileys, and went to bed.
Today I have to go back to school YET again. Not only am I sooo sick of driving there and back, but I'm sick of the drive itself even if I'm not driving, and I hate going back there over and over again after so many horrible things have just happened all in one week. I will be there day and night until next Sunday. Ughh.
I haven't done any work this weekend yet. No homework, no capstone, no nothing. It's going to be really hard to get things done this week as well, with all the rehearsing and whatnot. Ugh. I want a few days to do nothing but sleep, and then have a normal week with no tragedies or somber assemblies or fucked up schedules. Alskmdgoaishdfaskdvamsdo;hjarhaskldhmaskldmvaosdigah.
Run-through today, then man dance tomorrow at 7 in the evening, then Carey's dance Tuesday evening, a big fat run-through on Wednesday, dress on Thursday, performances on Friday and Saturday.
I want to go make a shitload of 8 1/2's.
I need a break from all of this. I feel like I've been going from event to event with time for one deep breath in between to get over the last and prepare for the next. I don't really feel ready to return to normalcy even though I need to. I want a transition.
dance concert,