Valentine's Day Weekend

Feb 15, 2009 21:54

Sitting cozily on the couch, laptop on...lap. I like that I don't have to wrap myself in a blanket or park the little heater (Toastybot is his name, because it looks like it has a little face and everything) to feel warm-- the computer is generating just the right amount of heat. This is really VERY cozy. It's not just the laptop heat. It's that my dad's typing away across the room at his desk; Chloe is laying across the shorter sofa perpendicular to this one, snuggled with her face against the pillows, fast alseep and with occasionally twitching paws; Phoebe is quietly nibbling away at some seeds in her cage, content after an evening shower; the house feels peaceful; I've got some good music playing from this laptop; it's the end of a long day, and things feel leisurely and slow, sort of molasses-like. I was just working on molecular biology homework, but after half a worksheet of questions and a substantial addition to the Molecular Bio Vocab List, my brain's "leetle grey cells" (Poirot, anyone?) began to fall asleep. I just feel done for the night (although maybe if I'm feeling ambitious, I'll try to get through the latest Cold War & Vietnam packet before lights-out).

Valentine's Day was both nice and crazy, but not nice and crazy. In the morning I had Man Dance rehearsal, which went well. We were missing at least one man, but gained one more man. It was nice because it didn't feel at all like I was dancing with strangers this week; yaaay. They're all really nice. Martha showed up after a while, watched the dance a couple of times, and gave a lot of really great feedback. I hope she does help us develop certain parts of it further; we could definitely use it; the potential is there. I wonder how the men will feel at selection day.
When I got home from rehearsal I realized that even though I hadn't thought that I'd been rolling on my knees so much, my knees were sooo bludgeoned up. My left knee bears two or three hefty bruises, and the right has just one weird bump on it that was kind of bloody and scary.
After shovelling down 3/4 of a pot of macaroni and cheese, I went into Boston with my family. Sleepy from rehearsal, I concked out for the whole car ride, and felt kind of groggy for a while as we walked around. We toured through the Boston Public Library, which my sister and I had never been to before. The old part is soooo beautiful!! The new part is....large and strange. But it was really cool to see. Sometimes you have to suck it up and be a tourist in your own town, you know? It's worth it.

Now, my family is really big on Coffee And. What is Coffee And, you might ask? It' and a and a lemon and little cakes...the delicious energy-reviving afternoon treat that never fails! Whenever my family ever goes on an outing, or even when we stay inside--whenever it is, it just has to be a weekend afternoon--we make sure to partake of Coffee And, somewhere between 3:00 and 4:30. I guess it's like our version of teatime. I LOVE it. So, after walking around the library in Boston, we needed to find some Coffee And, right? So we walk around the area for a while, and can't seem to find any good places to have Coffee And! You must know that Coffee And is not meant to be fulfilled at a chain cafe. No, no. Not the same. No Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, unless it's a caffeine emergency or we're in an area that we KNOW has no non-chain cafes. But miraculously, there were only Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts' in this segment of Boston! I did not expect that. We trecked around searching desperately as our energy levels decreased, and finally settled with a decent cafe counter in the Pru. Yes, we had our Coffee And in a food court. BUT, this place had SERIOUSLY good coconut chocolate-chip cookies, and the coffee wasn't bad either, so it was really all fine. And it was satisfying after the hunt.

We headed home, and after a few episodes of Mary Richards and Rhoda Morgenstern I headed upstairs. I started that little animation about Valentine's Day. It was originally going to be a content, almost optimistic little cartoon. But after dinner, I was really tired, and the all of the bitter thoughts that a single person typically associates with Valentine's Day began to enter my mind. It was inevitable. And so I scrapped the optimism, and made what you see in my previous entry. Of course it's still a silly little thing, but I was going to make it filled with a lot more negativity...I just got too tired before I ended up doing so.

Today, I slept in late and spent the rest of the morning/early afternoon in a very sloth-like fashion. Then I continued in a sloth-like fashion, watching Top Chef with Em who was sleepy and had a cold :(
In the afternoon, Em went back to Chicago. I know that I saw her in January, and that I'll see her again in around a month, and I know that I've gone through the whole send-off/goodbye thing with her so many times...but every single time, it's hard. The second time's a bit easier than the first, and then from then on they don't get any easier than that. The rest of my afternoon and early evening was spent chatting online to try and distract myself from my usual period of sad mourning, and then sleepily catching up on last week's LOST episode that I'd missed.

As insane as it is, LOST just keeps getting more exciting and satisfying.

phoebe, dance concert, holiday, sister, animation, chloe dog, television, lost, food, family

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