Oh Sundays

Oct 19, 2008 14:31

Must stop procrastinating.
My goal was to get my whoooole application besides the portfolio DONE this weekend.
I did no work yesterday on anything. I slept, I hung around, and I babysat (for the first time!! It was great. It was for three kids I love to death, who are basically like little cousins of mine, and made good money from it!! I'm likin' this). 
This morning I slept a lot (got home from babysitting late), raked the front yard, made a tasty omlette with sauteed onions and lots of pepper, and now I'm procrastinating. But I shouldn't. I won't.

But have you ever felt like you look like a fool when you rake leaves? I realized how odd it felt today. See, when you rake you do a lot of weight shifting from one side of your body to the other, with all the sort of pushing and pulling of leaves. I have a tendency to kick one leg out when I switch my weight, and then sort of drag the other leg back as I drag the leaves, so really, it looks like I'm trying to turn chores into a sort of dance, sache-ing my way gracefully across the lawn, kicking and gliding....with a rake. Interesting choice of dance partner. 

money, sleep, homework, random, college, procrastination, weekend

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