spell the seventieth;

Nov 19, 2007 22:55

hyuu~ I’ve been sort of antisocial lately, haven’t I? That isn’t very nice~ I might’ve missed a few curses I’ve been sleeping so much, lately ... Mah~ Yuuko-san, Yuuko-san! Let’s drink, ne? I made nice cakes to go with the sake, this tiiime~ ♥

EDIT; [ after commenting on a few replies in his journal, fai slides his way out of the house to the back of the hot springs where he begins to arrange stones and wood. tossing his large white coat on top of everything, he whistles briefly and the whole thing bursts into flames. then, the mage plops himself down on the grass, smile firmly in place as he toasts his marshmallows on sticks ]

[ ooc; which means he’s reverted back to sleeping on his tummy like old times, and he’s a bit out of it now, with the kids all gone :c anyone’s also free to respond to the above commentlog! ♥ ]
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