travspence is making me do this because I made a comment about pinball machines and he's a pain in the arse. If you want me to pick your interests just say, I wont hold you to any weird meme technicalities. ;)
If you comment on this post, I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
travspence picked these. I don't know what is so mysterious about them. :p
1. Art deco
I like art deco. I can't really explain why. Just how it looks. Furniture, glassware, houses, etc. It feels classy. But there's also a sleek modernness to it. Except, on occasion, the colour choices are foul. And even though a lot of it was mass produced it was still for the most part good quality. Unlike the crap you buy today. I have some deco glass, but can't really afford much else.
2. Bender's shiny metal ass
I'm pretty sure I was just messing around when I chose this one. As it turns out I'm not the only one who felt so inclined. But hey, I have nothing against robot ass.
3. Cacti
I have quite a few plants, even though I am the last person who should have a bunch of pointy plants around, I can't help but love plants that fight back. They're also the perfect plant for a person who owns a plant destroying cat.
4. Mythical creatures
When I was little three of my favourite movies were
7 Faces of Dr. Lao,
Jason and the Argonauts and
Godzilla (Gojira). While Godzilla isn't technically mythical, I think we can all agree that he is basically a dragon. I like monsters more than the "heroes" who off them. Usually it's your own fault they're killing you. If you ever looked into what individual monsters themselves represent you'd know that. People may love to hate a scapegoat, but I'm rooting for Medusa.
5. Quantum Leap
Wasn't this one of the best shows ever? I thought everyone knew that. I realise looking back on it that parts of it were kind of cheesy. OK most of it. But it's one of the rare things that has stuck with me and I can still stand to watch it.
I always hated the episode where Sam leapt back to his own life as a kid and tries to warn his family that his brother Tom was going to be killed in Vietnam. Of course nobody believed him, but to try and persuade his sister he was telling her things that would happen in the future and one of those was that The Beatles were going to break up. She doesn't believe him, so he tries to prove it by playing a song she hasn't heard before and he plays John Lennon's Imagine. His sister starts crying and then he tells her that he was just kidding. Of course his brother still dies. It just shows you what a raw deal Sam gets. I can't remember, but I think they might have justified it by saying that if Tom didn't die Sam wouldn't have started the Quantum Leap project. But that's just a cop out. Just give the guy his brother back, assholes!
6. Pentax
My first "proper" camera was a Pentax. And pretty much every SLR I've gotten since has been a Pentax including my DSLR. I've used a Nikon and I even have a Minolta and a Canon. But I prefer Pentax cameras. They're not as up market as some of the other brands, but they're a workhorse. Anyone who has ever owned a K1000 knows that you could crack someone's skull with it and take pictures of the aftermath. They're built to last. I guess this makes me a Pentax fanboy.
7. Reaping souls
I wish you hadn't asked me about this. It just shows how often I update my profile. For a long time when we played video games I would always sign my name as "Reaper" because I am lame. And to make me sound like more of a geek, reaping was essentially pwning. Nowadays I'm not much better. When I use xbox it's xcon and anything else I use Thrillho (both of which you might remember from episodes of The Simpsons). This is why I shouldn't play CoH.