Oct 24, 2004 00:56
I'm tired. I've been tired for the last two days. It's not like "Mono"-tired, I just really want to sleep.
But that didn't stop me from seeing Team America: World Police! E-fucking-lite. I noticed not many people were laughing in the theater, as it did go over the top sometimes. It was probably the bloodiest movie I've seen in awhile. It was still funny nonetheless. They used the montage song from the ski episode (Stan...DARSH!) Trey Parker and Matt Stone are awesome. And the new season of South Park starts Wednesday!
Binghamtom is Thursday! Reluctantly, I've decided to go as Quailman. Now I like the idea to go as Awesome-o/Cardboard box robot, but, for the sake of convenience and sitting down, it's Quailman. Just have to get some red fabric for my Q and cape. I also have to figure out how Doug gets his belt to stay on his head like that. He won't return my calls. Fucking asshole.
Now this is not to say that I won't, at some point, be a cardboard robot. If anything it makes the dream that much more sweeter. If Adam has another party around Christmas time, I'll dress up and throw fruit at people. I'm an evil robot. An evil-rotten fruit throwing-cardboard robot.
I don't know what the hell I'm talking about and my middle and ring fingers on my left hand keep spazing out.
Happy Brandon? I updated. Now leave me alone for another 6 months.