(no subject)

Jul 27, 2008 21:01

Holy WOW I have not updated in a while.  Sorry.  Life has been somewhat distracting, and I have also not felt much like updating, and I felt kind of bad just randomly popping in with some lame ass one-liner when I actually have stuff to say.  Or not.  But here I am!

WYD was a bit anticlimactic by the end of it.  I know a lot of people had huge experiences and it was a lot of fun, but for me it was something I went to Sydney, and I did it, and now I'm back home. Not something amazing and huge and life-changing, just... nice.  I walked around the streets of Sydney and had condoms thrown at me - there's a post in me somehwere about the choices I make and the arrogant assumptions people make about those choices, but maybe later. I chatted to a very confused bride who got caught up in a stream of pilgrims in Darling Harbour, saw the Pope from a very great distance as a little white and red blob, did the humba with a bunch of germans on a train, had a beer at Bondi with some lovely British teachers, got locked in one of the event centres by a stern policeman, got lost trying to find my billet at one in the  morning, and walked through Hyde Park at midnight with absolutely no fear for my safety. Catholics have really weird celebrities. (The rapping priest, the sexuality theologian, the guy who writes rock songs about transubstantiation).  George Pell is still an idiot and I really hope he gets fired.  Kevin Rudd is still awesome.  Sydney did a fantastic job of organising, I was really impressed with how smooth and functional all the transport and events were - there must of been tens of thousands of staff and volunteers to make it work.


Uni started this week, and I think it's going to be a good semester.  Poetry is going to be absolutely wacky - I arrived late to the lecture and was sure I was in the wrong place, because the lecturer, a softly-spoken, very camp man in a bright pink shirt, wouldn't stop talking about bees.  25% of the grade for that class involves to memorisation of a single poem (24 lines) and the composition of my own (8-10 lines)  There's a set text, but we don't have to read it - the lecturer never has.

Lit studies is what creative writing was last semester - young adult and children's fiction.  Easy peasy.

Scriptwriting might be brilliant, but could also be completely awful - all of our assignments involve a single project, which we work on as a group, and I am in a group with two of my male friends.  After the scriptwriting workshop over the weekend, I think this may have been a mistake.  Nevertheless the concept we've come up with is quirky, funny and appropriately mythology-based enough to please me, so it might work out okay.

My final unit is something I originally picked up as part of an IT minor I'm considering abandoning, but could feed into something far more interesting to me.  It's Information and Intellectual Property Law - and I tell people that and they go "booooring" but I find it really interesting, go figure.  There's a huge section on the internet, including torrenting, and a careful reading of the unit outline leads me to believe I may be able to do my major report on fanfiction, which always makes me happy. No, I don't care if the unit convenor knows I'm a dork.

In real-life news, two of my friends - a couple I'd always shipped shamelessly - broke up, under circumstances which were very hurtful towards Emily.  Compounding insult to injury, he sent her a letter ON HER BIRTHDAY, less than a week after they'd broken up pointing out all the ways in which it was her fault, she was a bad girlfriend and didn't love him enough/pay him enough attention/be the total slave to his every whim, so he never really loved her, oh, and did he mention he already had a new girlfriend?  Emily had to be very stern with Nat and I when she found us sneaking out with pitchforks and lighter fluid after that.  SO ANGRY. Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it.  So I have been spending lots of girly time with Emily, shopping and drinking tea (we both love tea, and so we're experimenting with all the different ranges at T2) and plotting revenge by living well and being far too fabulous for that bastard in any case.

I have decided that I must start getting to the gym more - I am getting a bit wobbly round the middle and and just grew out of another good bra, which is unacceptable and also not very comfortable - the bigger the bloody things get, the more they bounce.

Acne is better - not great, never great, but miles and miles better than it was.  Sadly, this has drawn attention to the scarring left behind - it's really not looking too good, but covering the scars is easier than covering the great lumpy infected pustules, so I'm counting it mostly a win. And on the bright side, my haircut remains incredibly awesome.
On the fannish front, I am chugging along.  While I was in Sydney, my cousins corralled me and we blitzed through the whole season of Doctor Who in a day flat. No spoilers, except to say that Donna Noble is the best companion ever.

I've never been in a ficathon before

swingathon, but it strikes me that if the mod who has all the stories and is doing the posting knows she is going to be very busy during the posting period - like, for example, she is moving to another continent - it might be prudent to have a backup plan.

And that's me, right now.  How's your week been?

friends, news bulletin, acne, who, fandom, i do so have a social life, really sorry about this hsm thing, somebody needs a spanking, religious, academic

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