SGA 3x15

Feb 03, 2008 16:53

So, every time I try to be coherent about this episode, I end up right back at "holy hell, Ronon is a fucking sex god".  Which: true, but not exactly helpful.

So: Heehee, Ronon talking about ice-skating movies.  Also, his shirt is wide open and I can see his pectoral flexing as he walks. HI RONON.  Also, where are they going, just wandering along in the middle of the day? is that John's quarters?  Why are they going there, hm?

Wait, Amanda Tapping can only be in a certain amount of episodes and they put her in this one for all of two lines? Boo.

John is so military sometimes, everything all folded and sorted.  Also, other minds than mine have commented on the enormous beauty of this scene.  Rodney is trying so hard to be supportive and he really wants to be there for John and he is SO SORRY and John is very angry and emotionally closed off even though he wants Rodney to go with him VERY BADLY.

And then Ronon - oh, hang on a second while I drool over Ronon in a black t-shirt with the collar ripped out.  Ok, done. And then Ronon is going with him.  I love this team.

HAHAHAHA.  I love the brother's reaction to Ronon. "He works with you. Right.  Sure. Please don't make out in front of the guests, okay?" I think this is not the first time John has brought home an entirely inappropriate boyfriend?

Am I the only one who think the tradition of a wake is slightly creepy?  Let's lay out the body of the loved one and eat a ridiculous amount of food while we wait to see if he wakes up!  Medical science has progressed some since the middle ages.  We're pretty sure he's dead.

Ronon's inappropriate cheer makes me so happy.

I find it really interesting that John comes form a wealthy, priveliged background.  I've seen a lot of  different histories speculated for him in fic, but they tend more towards military father, absent mother, rebellious teenage years.  But a trust fund baby? One of the obscenely wealthy?  And the brother thing is interesting.  Having siblings can change your relationship with your parents dramatically.  it's also interesting that his mother isn't mentioned at all.

And the ex-wife. She seems nice, and classy, and competent.  I am once more distracted by Ronon being generally adorable.

Joe Flanigan squints a lot, doesn't he?

Is it bad the I first thought the Ava sounded vaguely robotic the first time she spoke? "LieutenantColonelJohnSheppard?"  I was not shocked when she turned out to be a Replicator.

And Ronon immediately starts scanning the room, checking the exits, watching for threats. He is enormously good at his job, which at this point, is "protect John".

Oh, asshole brother, how I would like to punch you in the face.  Your long-lost brother shows up for your father's funeral and you immediately accuse him of mercenary motivations, thus proving your own priorities.

Plot stuff. Boring.  That Ava chick looks kind of familiar, though.

Bates! Hi, Bates!  He's so friendly with Ronon, too.  That's kind of adorable.

Ava: "I'm not supposed to know any of this.  Don't mind me being on your spaceship with its beaming technology.  I have no idea about any top-secret projects, no sir."

Hm. Plotty McPlotterson.  Dull, but I like how John uses Ava as a lever to get the Professor to cave.  First hint that he is desperate to protect her, no?

More plot, but Ronon is wearing that black sweatshirt, jeans and boots, and a bullet-proof vest, and so the following scenes can be summed up thusly: Ronon runs around and looks really awesome.  Ronon shoots stuff. Wow, Ronon has amazing legs in those jeans.

Ah, the wife.  I quite like her.  She seems to genuinely regret the way the marriage went. John is veryvery bad at communicating. Like, epicly bad.

Ladida plot.  I find myself vaguely uncomfortable with the show's callous treatment of what are obviously sentient beings.  Bad!Replicator get torched for - uh, fighting back when people tried to KILL him, but the sweet, innocent looking one has a right to survive and be rewarded with safety and security because she helped them? Dude.

Ahaha. There's this moment - after Doctor Lee confuses Ronon and John clarifies it - when Ronon just looks at John, and the expression on his face is so adoring.  It's really sweet.

Did I mention I have no coherent thought here?
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