Feb 11, 2011 16:23
I have paid ALL THE BILLS. Yay for me. Now I have no money to buy food, but my electricity/internet/phone will not be turned off. I can live on rice and home-grown tomatoes for a few weeks.
Speaking of things that are home grown, this week I have learned something. I planted corn a few months back, and I have got these lovely tall stalk things, but I have despaired because I could see no hints of actual, like, corn. And I was weeding the other day and I realised: you guys, corn grows halfway down the stalk or lower, not at the top. My corn is almost ready to be picked! I had no idea. But now I know.
I am also learning all kinds of tomato-y dishes, because my tomato plant is producing fruit faster than I can eat it. Today is cool and rainy and pleasant, so tonight I think maybe tomato soup.