Hey kids. This will probably be my last entry of 2005. Fabulous, huh.
I like winter break. Minus the whole having to do work over it part. But I think I'm going skiing for a couple of days. I hope I'm back by New Years, because I had plans and I don't really want to break them and spend it in Wilkes-Barre. Ugh.
Alright, so, I'm just procrastinating right now. Let's not read The Rise of Big Business.
I don't know about you guys, but I really liked 2005. I think it was my favorite year. I think I might have an idea why, but regardless of that part, it would have still been really good.
The wonderful year started off with a little shindig!
Then, the day after that, this kid asks me out.
(And I said yes.)
Soon after that, a series of dances rolls around!
The end of sophomore year also came along, as well as a start of the summer.
How to offically start summer off? Why, with an AWESOME picnic and pool party, of course!
The summer continued with a trip. A trip to where, you ask? Oh, you know, EUROPE.
And what happens every summer? ILC, of course!
And the end to the best summer of my life? A cruise.
Though the hellish junior year started soon after that, Halloween made us all happy!
But with school comes dances. But at other schools. That are a lot nicer.
And that amazing weekend concluded with a Kanye West concert! And us being us before it.
But I guess we can have school spirit too.
We also added a new addition to the Schiowitz family.
As the year came to its near end, I took one last big trip. INDIA!
We celebrated winter break with a holiday party!
And during the break, I took a day trip to NYC with some of my biffs.
And we all have pictures that don't really fit in anywhere else. Here are those pictures. Actually, most of them are from sleepovers.
My eye says...
Thanks for being scene as shit, 2005.