Spring has sprung.

Apr 10, 2007 22:56

First of all I am quite angry that LJ ate this entry and this is the second time I'm writing it.

Well spring break was good. Let's recap shall we?

Day 1 (Friday)
Billy was leaving for Myrtle Beach so we went to see him off by having dinner with him at Old Country Buffet. Sean and I got there about 10 minutes after Billy, John Arnold, and Monty. Eugene showed up at the very end. Billy filled an entire plate with chocolate and vanilla soft-served ice-cream and topped it with every topping for ice-cream they had. He was about two thirds through it before I attacked it with pepper to prevent him from going into diabetic arrest. Billy got me back by having the restaurant announce Erin and Sean's anniversary. Har dee har har. It was actually pretty funny though. Afterwards we visited Justin Robb where he works at IHOP.

Day 2 (Saturday)
Harry and Wilson came over for some much needed chill time. Games, Food, being ridiculous. Stayed up late and they crashed over here.

Day 3 (Sunday)
Woke up late and did more of the same. In the evening we celebrated passover. My uncle Vic came over. He's cool, so good times. Harry and Wilson crashed another night.

Day 4 (Monday)
Woke up late again and Abner came to visit. I don't get to see him outside of school often so that was cool. Talked about things, watched youtube stuff. Wound down a bit from Harry and Will, though they were still over. Everyone was gone by 8 and I was left to recharge.

Day 5 (Tuesday)
Didn't wake up as late. Went to hang out with Abby at her house with Eskin and a bunch of Abby's friends. Started off upstairs and I messed around on her piano while most of them played DDR. More people showed up so we migrated to her basement where I was recruited for grunt work and shuffled televisions around. Didn't mind so much because I was the only guy and all *cougheskinanddavidcough*. DDR continued and I only joined in for a few songs. Then we plugged in Guitar Hero and did that for a while. Talked to Eskin mostly. We ordered Chinese food, which reminds me that I need to pay Eskin back. Gone by 8 and home to recharge.

Day 6 (Wednesday)
Woke up late and stayed home all day with time to myself. Practiced my piano, read some, wrote some, browsed the internet. I didn't go a party which actually ended up not happening anyway. Home to recharge.

Day 7 (Thursday)
Woke up late and had a repeat of the day before. In the evening I went over to Sean's and from there we went to eat at Red Robin and caught Blade's of Glory. I didn't expect it to be that funny. I thought it all went down hill after Anchorman but it was really good. If you liked Anchorman or Talladega Nights go see Blades of Glory. All of you, go watch it, now, as in, why are you still reading this and not at the theater.

Day 8 (Friday)
Woke up really late. Like 1 o'clock. Went and finally got my permit, woo! Ran into Sean while I was there and he got his license. He hung out here for a little but drove himself home pretty quickly, extorting his new privileges. He left at 5 or so and I just stayed home and recharged. I'll be on the roads soon enough. HAHAHAHAHA! *evil laugh*

Day 9 (Saturday)
Woke up early compared to Friday. I wanted to go out to grab a few movies but I ended up being pulled into a day of errands. Went to the bank and cashed about $800. Took $200 to buy myself a new monitor.

The extra cash put me at enough to complete Operation Sub Zero, Abby! For those of you not in on the inside joke, that means Aaron will be going on a cruise this summer along with Abby. That's right, I'll be in the sun on a huge boat with infinite food, entertainment, and relaxation. Did I mention women? It's a cruise, am I wrong? jealousy ensues.

Back to Saturday. From there we went to Blockbuster and I picked up Grandma's Boy, Hostel, and The Illusionist. We went to Pets-Mart for a little while and then to the grocery store. Picked up some snacks and then I realized I had to feed other people that night. So Aaron's gonna be sweet and get her favorite Caesar Salad thing. I knew she liked some Caesar salad with the dressing packet, so I thought it was some sort of brand. So I'm running around the salad area looking for something like this, having not a clue what it is I'm actually looking for, while my mom is already in the check out line. It says KITS on like every bag in soft white. Ha yeah stupid me. Then we drop the groceries at home and put them away and rush back out to Comp USA. They're closing down so they're having this big sale, liquidating everything. Their prices still bit. We were there for about half an hour looking for something worth picking up but it really wasn't worth it. If they drop prices lower I'll go, but all this really did was put them on par with everyone else, and theres no in store warranty because they're closing.

So I'm home and then Kelly shows up, so we're talking for a little and I go to get the movies. Aaron was pretty stupid today. The salad was one thing, but this is just WOW. I left the movies at Blockbuster. So she decided to play video games with my brother while I left frantically to blockbuster and back. I got back and we got punished in some video game my brother plays for a little while and finished cooking the dinner I had started for us earlier. My mother gave me the instructions so I don't remember what it was called but it was chicken with some herbs and spices and stuff. Also made a quesadilla and her salad.

After enjoying some Top Cat and Spongebob we migrated downstairs and watched Grandma's Boy. It was entertaining enough, it had virtually no plot though. "Did Sophie die in the bed?" "No....she rolled out of bed and died on the floor right there." It was funny at the time. Hostel refused to work in the PS2 so we went back upstairs. Luckily for me my Grandma went down to her room and Alex had locked himself in the computer room. It had such a ridiculous set up. The movie was half an hour of softcore porn and then they just start torturing people. It was weird. The story wasn't half bad but ridiculous movie none the less. It wasn't until 11 that we started The Illusionist. I really enjoyed that movie. I won't spoil any of it for you.

It was a really fun day. I enjoy spending time her, I don't get to see her that often. Which reminds me that I'm going to see My Chemical Romance and Muse on the 27th. Chris, Melanie, Kelly, Aysha, Jenna, and I. Possibly others. Anyway, we drove her home and saw her to her door...went home to recharge.

Day 10 (Sunday)
Woke up at 1 again. At 3 we went up to Harry's because my family was invited to Easter dinner. They're un-religious about it so it was alright. Yay Jewish! They're half Jewish. Anyway so we did the eggs for Lucas which was fun. Then Willson showed up and we had dinner. Left around 9 and went home by 10 to have Billy over from Myrtle Beach and Bobby. I ended up watching Grandma's Boy again. Much talking, exchanging stories. Spring Break feels much longer than a week when you haven't seen someone all break.

Day 11 (Monday)
Woke up at 10 and after being lazy and talking for an hour we started the illusionist. That movie I didn't mind so much seeing again. Bobby had to leave mid movie and Billy had to miss a party because of the lack of rides. But we had chill time and it was much needed. We also figured out that Billy, Bobby, Mike, Barry, and I are the Knights of Camelot. The Monty Python variety. We're have that all figured out soon enough. Billy left for School of Rock but later Sean decided to surprise me with a visit and brought Sarah Mckay along too. I ended up having to watch Grandma's Boy again. Tired of that movie now. He left at 8 and that's pretty much it.

(Terrible Tuesday)
Back at school and already teachers are in full swing. That's life. I had a pretty good break I think. Leave comments! They don't even need to be relevant!
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