Jun 29, 2007 21:38
She makes it difficult to be a friend when every time we set up a plan to hang out, and after waiting all day for that time to come around, I get the old "I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything. Maybe another day." And all I can say is, "Ok, maybe tomorrow, then."
I ask her is she's afraid of me, "Afraid of you. Why would you think that? I think you're shy and quiet, but I'm not afraid of you."
Yeah, I am.. but I'm working on that. But how does you continuing to use that old excuse of "I'm tired" every time we plan something help me come out of my shell and feel confident in myself? I understand you spent most your day running around with your mother, but even when you don't do anything that day, I still get that excuse, or "I'm lazy today".
I like you, really I do. But it just kinda makes me upset that you continue to blow me off. I guess that's kinda why we stopped talking for half a year. I got tired of it and became a hermit again. But I'm willing to try again. But you're beginning to sound like a broken record.
I just want friends. Why does everything have to be so hard and complicated?