May 11, 2007 16:24
This summer is definitely gonna be all about starting over.
I'm sick of the way my life is right now.
And I'm sick of everyone/everything that made it this way.
To everyone who claimed they were my friends and acted otherwise, screw you.
This bullshit is becoming impossible to bear.
I've never been surrounded by so much negativity.
If anyone had cared in the least bit about me, I wouldn't feel the need to write this.
So here's to new friends and to the VERY few real friends I already have.
And here's to new experiences and new mistakes.
And here's to not being judged by every damn thing I do.
And here's to living MY life the way I want to.
Now that I have that cleared up...SCHOOL IS OVER!
Finally. This was probably the worst year in educational history.
Macomb sucks. But thanks to Jimberly for keeping me occupied!
I can't wait until we get our pool opened.
I'm pretty sure I'm never leaving my house.
Unless I have to work. Ha.
My kitty no longer lives with us. :(
It's so sad. She's at my dad's house because my mom is convinced she scares potential buyers away from our house. Whatever. It's a cat. Relax.
So I miss her and she's probably gonna die from second hand smoke in my dad's apartment.
What else is new.
Yeah, basically nothing.
Oh, I got drunk last night.
With my hot girls from work. ;) lol
It was fun.
Alright. I'm gonna get ready real quick and go take prom pictures.
Hopefully something goes down tonight.
My goal is to enjoy my summer to the fullest!