[It's the first time Heather's contacted James in awhile. Her voice is a little raspy and croaky for some reason, though there's forced casualness in its tone.]Hey... James
( Read more... )
[Heather paused to rub her temples. They were throbbing agonizingly-- it wasn't as straight-up painful as that hangover had been, but somehow it was still worse. She could still taste salt around the corners of her mouth and it just reminded her of how long it had been since she'd broken down like that. She'd sort of thought she'd grown out of that. Turns out a year wasn't long enough.]
Yeah... yeah. He's younger, he's... from an earlier time. S'why he doesn't know me. S'not his fault.
His question made her pause again-- not out of suspicion, like she had when they'd FIRST tentatively made contact like two spooky horses on opposite sides of a fence doing that wary nose-touch before flipping their shit and bolting shut up, it's a decent analogy-- just a plain old 'I don't even know how to talk about this' pause.]
... Not... exactly, but...
[Okay, as much as she trusts James on the haunted freak-town related subjects, she's not sure she can tell the whole truth about this. Just because he's experienced the monsters doesn't mean he'd automatically buy into the whole reincarnation thing.]
... Don't... take this the wrong way, man, 'cause I know you've seen the weird stuff, but it's a long story and even you would probably think I was crazy if I tried to tell the whole thing.
The short version is yes... I guess. That thing I told you that happened with the cult kind of happened another time when I was a lot younger, too.
[James completely understood what Heather was talking about... It wasn't as if he told her everything. Like the fact the wife he is so desperately trying to find is well... Dead.]
It's alright, I understand.
[If the cult had attacked a child then... Well that really showed how horrible they were. Which, the thought made James feel rather unsettled to be honest. He couldn't help but feel even worse for Heather, this whole situation and the events she had suffered through before... He just couldn't help but pity her.]
I see. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. I wish there was someway I could help.
[Heather hadn't even begun to touch the surface of what the cult was capable of. She wasn't even so sure she knew the depths, herself. Even setting aside what had happened to her, that town's entire history was filled with dark nooks and crannies, past atrocities of which nothing but whispers remained. Alessa had not been the only child who had suffered at the hands of those people... Heather would be lying if she said that she wasn't sometimes kept awake at night thinking about how many forgotten bones must lie under that town, unknown to anyone but the people who put them there.]
[She swallows, hard. She hated the idea of being pitied. It wasn't that she thought she didn't deserve it, that anyone who'd gone through what she'd been through didn't deserve it, she just... hated the fact that she had to deserve it in the first place. It made her mad.]
[There's a long pause before she speaks up again.]
Just... stay you, okay?
[... well wtf did that mean? ... It didn't look like she was gonna clarify. But... well, gosh, James, it looks like just maybe someone might like the fact that you are who you are. Fancy that!]
[Fancy that indeed! This was probably the first time anyone had ever requested that of James so to put it simple, he was a bit caught off guard. The confusion drenching his tone is proof enough of that.]
I-- Well. I will, I promise.
[James is both flattered and puzzled, but he'll do his best to stay true to that promise.]
[Get used to it, bucko, Heather believes in giving credit where it's due. Even if she doesn't always do it in a straightforward way.]
[Expressions don't always translate well through voice alone, but there's a smile in her tone. It may not be flowers and sunshine, but it's something.]
Thanks, James.
... Oh, and-- .... [There's another pause, and when she continues, she sounds a little sheepish.] If you're still in the same general area as ... Dad, could y'let me know how he's doing from time to time? ... Y'know, just... 'cause...
[James could most definitely get used to this... It'll just take a bit. Neglect sometimes has a funny effect like expecting people to just up and leave you or hate you for no reason at all.]
[But he has a feeling Heather isn't like most other people sooo...]
No problem.
[There is a pause on his end as well but he couldn't help but smile at her request. What she was going through was hard, but even so she still cared about her father that didn't know her.]
[It happens. Heather, of course, didn't know James's story any more than he really knew hers, but she would have understood. Because she wasn't like most people and even if she had some trust issues of her own, she didn't believe in ditching friends.]
Thanks. [Part of her ached to explain herself, to explain how desperately she wanted, even if she couldn't do it herself, even if he probably wanted nothing to do with her because she was a BAD KID, to just... know that her father was physically THERE somewhere, even if he was younger and not the one she'd had most of her life. But she knew that if she tried, her voice would get all... cracky. And she wasn't going to do that.]
[Of course there was a long pause from a rather surprised James. Of all the things Heather could have said, or asked, that wasn't something he was expecting. Sure it was a very average and normal question, but considering their situation and well, everything they have talked about; something so casual was just. Weird.]
I uh. I've been okay, just working at the pokemart this entire time. I might leave here soon though, not exactly sure.
[While James isn't sure if he should stay there forever, he kind of is afraid to venture out into the wilderness too. He isn't exactly the best trainer and well, Otacon had mentioned that it was probably going to be more and more difficult. So traveling alone seems like a bad idea...]
[Thus why this is still pending. Because James doesn't know for sure if he has a traveling companion... Yet.]
[It WAS weird. And blatant subject-changing. BUT HEY. Whatever worked. Heather didn't like talking about her problems-- it was something she could probably stand to do more often, but for right now, she'd done plenty as far as she was concerned.]
Man, I thought you were at least en route to Violet City or something by this point... isn't that work monotonous? [HEATHER YOU ARE TALKING TO A CLERK. Not somebody who jumps around odd jobs like you do. He is a grownup with grownup responsibilities! ... Not that he handles them well. Yeah I went there.] I guess it's probably a good thing you weren't out in all that flooding, though.
It is, but it isn't anything I'm not used to already and... Well part of the reason I've stayed here...
[He trailed off. Voicing his motivation to stay put seemed kind of silly, the idea seemed like a good one but saying it made it seem like senseless hoping.]
I thought if there was a chance she'd appear here... I wouldn't be too far away.
[The flooding. Oh it was bad, and he was glad he was in doors for that too. He had had enough with this world's strange weather and he'd take another hailing over getting flooded out in the wilderness any day.]
Yeah it was bad, but we were able to keep the water out of the store. Well not all of it, but a considerate amount.
... Oh. Right. [His wife. It was easy for her to forget, in the midst of her own problems, that he had one too. She hadn't asked much about that.] I can see why you'd stay. ... And I guess I can't blame you for thinking it might, y'know, happen. [Idly, she wondered if Douglas would ever rear his ugly head here. She wasn't sure she wanted him to. Not because she didn't want to see him-- hell no, his grizzled old face would be a sight for sore eyes, but because ... well, LOOK at this place. It wasn't exactly very 'depressed-old-dude friendly'.]
That's good... man you shoulda seen it around Violet. That shit was crazy.
Well, to be honest... I think it's kind of hopeless, I mean no one else that was there with me has shown up. So maybe it's just senseless hoping. [It was obvious how dejected he was, his tone alone gave it away. Here ya go Heather, have a depressed James.]
Oh? I hope no one there was badly hurt from the flooding.
[That tone said it all. She hadn't intended to drag him down, too.]
Well... hey. It's not that hopeless... I mean... [There was a jovial, forced laugh on her end.] My dad showed up and he's dead. So-o, how senseless could it be for your wife to maybe pop up?
Nah, I don't... think anyone was. ... I mean... there were some people missing, but... [Naturally, Heather actually kind of... assumed the worst in that regard. When people disappeared during a flood, it usually just meant that their bodies had been washed out too far for anyone to find.]
[Oh, Heather, if only you weren't so wrapped up in your own stupid problems right now. You maybe would have heard that whisper. And thought a little about what it might mean.]
I'm not sayin' it's gonna happen, but... don't lose hope, y'know? Weirder things have happened.
And... yeah. I hope so, too. [Her forced cheerful tone turns to a surprisingly bitter mumble.] The last thing anyone needs after being forced to go on this stupid adventure in the first place is to drown.
[Heather paused to rub her temples. They were throbbing agonizingly-- it wasn't as straight-up painful as that hangover had been, but somehow it was still worse. She could still taste salt around the corners of her mouth and it just reminded her of how long it had been since she'd broken down like that. She'd sort of thought she'd grown out of that. Turns out a year wasn't long enough.]
Yeah... yeah. He's younger, he's... from an earlier time. S'why he doesn't know me. S'not his fault.
His question made her pause again-- not out of suspicion, like she had when they'd FIRST tentatively made contact like two spooky horses on opposite sides of a fence doing that wary nose-touch before flipping their shit and bolting shut up, it's a decent analogy-- just a plain old 'I don't even know how to talk about this' pause.]
... Not... exactly, but...
[Okay, as much as she trusts James on the haunted freak-town related subjects, she's not sure she can tell the whole truth about this. Just because he's experienced the monsters doesn't mean he'd automatically buy into the whole reincarnation thing.]
... Don't... take this the wrong way, man, 'cause I know you've seen the weird stuff, but it's a long story and even you would probably think I was crazy if I tried to tell the whole thing.
The short version is yes... I guess. That thing I told you that happened with the cult kind of happened another time when I was a lot younger, too.
I think D- ... I think he's from that time.
It's alright, I understand.
[If the cult had attacked a child then... Well that really showed how horrible they were. Which, the thought made James feel rather unsettled to be honest. He couldn't help but feel even worse for Heather, this whole situation and the events she had suffered through before... He just couldn't help but pity her.]
I see. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. I wish there was someway I could help.
[But like always, James is less than helpful.]
[She swallows, hard. She hated the idea of being pitied. It wasn't that she thought she didn't deserve it, that anyone who'd gone through what she'd been through didn't deserve it, she just... hated the fact that she had to deserve it in the first place. It made her mad.]
[There's a long pause before she speaks up again.]
Just... stay you, okay?
[... well wtf did that mean? ... It didn't look like she was gonna clarify. But... well, gosh, James, it looks like just maybe someone might like the fact that you are who you are. Fancy that!]
I-- Well. I will, I promise.
[James is both flattered and puzzled, but he'll do his best to stay true to that promise.]
[Expressions don't always translate well through voice alone, but there's a smile in her tone. It may not be flowers and sunshine, but it's something.]
Thanks, James.
... Oh, and-- .... [There's another pause, and when she continues, she sounds a little sheepish.] If you're still in the same general area as ... Dad, could y'let me know how he's doing from time to time? ... Y'know, just... 'cause...
[But he has a feeling Heather isn't like most other people sooo...]
No problem.
[There is a pause on his end as well but he couldn't help but smile at her request. What she was going through was hard, but even so she still cared about her father that didn't know her.]
Sure, I'd be more than happy to do that for you.
Thanks. [Part of her ached to explain herself, to explain how desperately she wanted, even if she couldn't do it herself, even if he probably wanted nothing to do with her because she was a BAD KID, to just... know that her father was physically THERE somewhere, even if he was younger and not the one she'd had most of her life. But she knew that if she tried, her voice would get all... cracky. And she wasn't going to do that.]
Means the world.
... How've YOU been?
I uh. I've been okay, just working at the pokemart this entire time. I might leave here soon though, not exactly sure.
[While James isn't sure if he should stay there forever, he kind of is afraid to venture out into the wilderness too. He isn't exactly the best trainer and well, Otacon had mentioned that it was probably going to be more and more difficult. So traveling alone seems like a bad idea...]
[Thus why this is still pending. Because James doesn't know for sure if he has a traveling companion... Yet.]
Man, I thought you were at least en route to Violet City or something by this point... isn't that work monotonous? [HEATHER YOU ARE TALKING TO A CLERK. Not somebody who jumps around odd jobs like you do. He is a grownup with grownup responsibilities! ... Not that he handles them well. Yeah I went there.] I guess it's probably a good thing you weren't out in all that flooding, though.
Was it as bad in Cherrygrove as it was up here?
[He trailed off. Voicing his motivation to stay put seemed kind of silly, the idea seemed like a good one but saying it made it seem like senseless hoping.]
I thought if there was a chance she'd appear here... I wouldn't be too far away.
[The flooding. Oh it was bad, and he was glad he was in doors for that too. He had had enough with this world's strange weather and he'd take another hailing over getting flooded out in the wilderness any day.]
Yeah it was bad, but we were able to keep the water out of the store. Well not all of it, but a considerate amount.
That's good... man you shoulda seen it around Violet. That shit was crazy.
Oh? I hope no one there was badly hurt from the flooding.
Well... hey. It's not that hopeless... I mean... [There was a jovial, forced laugh on her end.] My dad showed up and he's dead. So-o, how senseless could it be for your wife to maybe pop up?
Nah, I don't... think anyone was. ... I mean... there were some people missing, but... [Naturally, Heather actually kind of... assumed the worst in that regard. When people disappeared during a flood, it usually just meant that their bodies had been washed out too far for anyone to find.]
Dead...[It was almost an inaudible whisper.]
[There was a long pause, probably longer than what was intended.]
Well, that's true... Who knows what could happen.
Missing? [That was never a good sign.] Well, I hope those who have gone missing show up soon...
I'm not sayin' it's gonna happen, but... don't lose hope, y'know? Weirder things have happened.
And... yeah. I hope so, too. [Her forced cheerful tone turns to a surprisingly bitter mumble.] The last thing anyone needs after being forced to go on this stupid adventure in the first place is to drown.
Well, yeah. No one knows if it is going to happen. But, yeah I'll try to stay optimistic... Even if it's hard.
Yeah... I hope everyone is okay. [Worried James is worried.]
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