[So while the rest of Johto alternately panics, cries, or rushes around trying to capture as many of the soulstealing insects as possible, there are dozens of souls floating around in that dream limbo, drifting in and out of each other's slumbering thoughts and visions. Whether it's nightmarish flashbacks or just those dreams where you're at school
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Now she takes time to properly investigate her environment, wondering at the state of sanitation and cleanliness the hall is in, and at the source of those rather dark splotches. She chances closer looks, and possibly to touch a few - just to test the waters - before finally drawing her gaze back to the end of the hallway.
With the wariness of a curious child out past her curfew that knows better than to be caught, she makes her way towards it, peering to try and catch a glimpse of what awaits her.]]
[But the sight she'll glimpse around the corner is a tad more attention-grabbing...]
That sight was far more attention grabbing.
At first, she wasn't quite sure what to do. The moment she laid eyes upon it, even if she hadn't drawn too near, she stopped and held her breath.
What...what was it? Was that the thing that was eliciting those noises? It seemed like the case, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to draw close enough to test that yet. Part of her - her more rational side - was telling her to turn around. She came, she saw enough, it was time to go.
However, her more curious side - her stronger side - kept her rooted to her spot.
And perhaps nudged her a few cautious steps forward to investigate.]]
[The good news is that whatever it's in, it doesn't seem to be able to get out-- no matter how hard it struggles, it cannot move to venture towards Rose or away from her.]
[... It's trapped.]
But...it wasn't doing her any harm. Again, just like those dark patches, which still held her curiosity.
Slowly and tentatively, she reached out. Not to touch the creature just yet, but to touch the cloth that hung from the top, and to touch the cage itself. To test the environment.
...and then finally to try and touch the writhing monster.]]
[... But any contemplation on that will have to wait... because as Rose reaches in to touch the beast's flesh, which is spongy, porous, and just a tad sticky-- as though it's slightly rotten-- the thing goes berserk.]
[With a guttural howl, it thrashes more violently than ever, ramming its body back and forth in its iron prison and slamming itself against the bars with every ounce of force it can apparently muster-- if Rose doesn't have the reflexes of a light particle, she may find her arm caught between the bars and the beast's full weight...]
Her first instinct is the wrench her arm away, which doesn't work very well and she regrets immediately after trying, and so she waits instead. Hopefully it'll thrash away from her long enough that she can pull away.
It'll be unpleasant to have her arm slammed into again.]]
[It continues to thrash and snarl within the confines of its prison, although the longer the fit goes on, the more its struggles start to peter out... eventually it starts to still once more (although it still twitches and jerks), the gargling screams reducing themselves to deep hisses and snarls... like a wild animal locked in a box.]
She glances behind herself, looking perhaps to see if there's any other route to take, but draws her gaze back to the creature again. As much as she's tempted to, she has no intentions on touching it again...
...but perhaps freeing it from it's prison might serve a decent purpose. Perhaps that would soothe the beast.
Is there anyway she's capable of doing that though? The cage is now being given her attention.]]
[But there doesn't seem to be an opening to the cage anywhere-- even though the bars are widely spaced, it's restrained harshly. The only way to release it would be to step over the cruel spikes circling the base of the prison and actually cut it loose, but the incident Rose just experienced is probably enough to tell her that that course of action would not end well.]
[Furthermore, it's blocking the hallway... there doesn't seem to be a way past it without, again, actually getting INSIDE with the thing and probably being battered to death...]
There was no other way to go. No way out, as far as she could tell. No point in trying at least, was there was only darkness back beyond the door.
However, going forward would likely end in a very...unpleasant death, to say the least...
But...she couldn't just sit still and do nothing, could she? Well, she could, but what would that accomplish? Nothing, exactly.
Steeling her nerves, she approaches the cage again. Looking it over, she reaches up to pull on one of the cloths to test it's strength. She would need something to hold onto, she was sure, and those looked like the best idea for now. But she wanted to make sure they wouldn't rip under her weight and leave her tumbling into the cage without preparation...]]
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