Iiiiiit's late as hell, but this here's a post dedicated to all the stuff Heather got from and FOR her friends (and possibly some enemies) on Christmas!
Quite a few of the gifts were actually bought with the money she recovered from Joker's theft, which... she wound up finding just a little too tempting to wind up returning it to Goldenrod. Once a teen with sticky fingers, always a teen with sticky fingers...
Anyway, here we go. Knowing that travel is almost inevitable in this place, Heather made an effort to keep her gifts practical-- nothing too big to be carried around in a pinch.
Gifts FOR others:
James: The only person here in Johto who's witnessed some of the same horrors that she has. Heather had a really hard time deciding what to get for James. He's different from the other friends she's made here-- there's that connection. So it took her awhile to find something that fit.
In the end, she decided on two TM's: TM 17: Protect and TM 18: Rain Dance, and a tiny glass bottle-- corked and threaded on a string like a charm-- containing what looks like... a few chunks of driftwood and some seaglass?
There's a note attached to it. "You're probably just as reluctant to buy into lucky charms and the like as I am, but keep this in one of your fifty bazillion pockets anyway, just in case. Also, use those TM things wisely. Dunno why but they just seemed... right for you."
Mary: A stylized Butterfree pendant on a length of black cord. It's a little sparkly but not too gaudy-looking.
She also included some peppermints for 'Bambi', the baby Stantler who she gave to Mary a few months back.
Otacon: She wasn't totally sure he'd be back to Goldenrod in time for Christmas (or at ALL in the foreseeable future...), but she got him some things anyway. Namely a big fluffy scarf, along with a nice little moleskin book from the craft store in the department complex-- with proverbs inscribed on each page. The real ones. Also, now that he's back, she wants to take him out for sushi and catch up on things.
Liquid: Her gift to Liquid is not killing him for being an enormous fucking moron a shirt. The shirt has a Clefairy on it.
That's it.
j/k j/k she also got him a sturdy set of winter boots and an extensive travel-oriented first-aid kit. She figured he'd go for the practical more than the sentimental-- as much as she wants to get him something personal, she's not entirely certain he'd really get it. So practical it is! At least now she won't be quite as worried about him if he's on the road without her...
That's right.
Snake will be presented with a bigass cardboard box (large enough to fit Snake along with most of the smaller members of his team) with a bow on it. It's filled with packing peanuts. ... No reason. They're just fun to play with.
Somewhere inside all those packing peanuts ... is a pack of gum AND a pack of cigarettes.
.... And a little note that says: "I CHANGED MY MIND. Can my codename be 'Plasma Penguin'?"
Included are some little sesame-seed candies for Sunny.
He will also be receiving hugs. Lots of them.
Minnie: A nice hairbrush, because she asked for one! It's simple and cute, red with white polka-dots-- yes, Heather's got sense of nostalgia and she darn well remembers the kind of thing Minnie usually wears. There's also a few candy canes and cute holiday-themed chocolates, and a general happy holidays card addressed to her and Mickey. There's a pair of adorable, stylized Rattata on the front.
Rise: A pair of tropical Butterfree-themed hair ornaments. They're a little flimsy-looking but quite pretty. Also, a couple of hand-written coupons, entitling Rise to one (1) double shopping spree at the Goldenrod Department Store (during which Heather promises only to complain a little) and one (1) dumb girls' night, with ice cream. This might seem a little silly considering Heather had already verbally promised both of them, but Rise should recognize the significance of the gift, given that now she has physical evidence to ensure that Heather can't weasel out of them.
Hayate: Heather was baffled and a bit touched by how much trouble Hayate went to send cookies to everyone he knew, even if he'd only met them a few times like with her. It's hardly comparable to his hand-made gift, but after she got the cookies, she made sure to send him a little box of nice chocolates from the department store.
There's also a little box of dog biscuits for Hina, signed with a messy pawprint from Cujo.
Envy: A personal note of apology on behalf of Cujo, for the whole jumping-all-over incident. Also, a nice set of black gloves, along with a couple of... um... weirdly cutesy-looking tropical-fruit-themed tree ornaments. That's... weird... Maybe the gift is tongue-in-cheek? It's hard to tell with her. HINT: it is, and they're for his hair.
Kaito: A cute, simply-illustrated little picture book/wordless graphic novel about a magician Abra (named 'Abra Cadabra'-- he evolves into Abra Kadabra at the end!) that she found in the department store, along with an elegant indigo-blue silk scarf, decorated with stars and those weird stylized moons with faces on them. She markered a top hat, monocle, and outrageous mustache on one of them.
Additionally, wrapped in the scarf is a smaller box, containing several safety pins and other informal lock-picking odds and ends. There's a note attached saying that she knows he probably knows how to pick locks way better than she does, but that stuff like this has gotten her out of some tight situations before-- and that if he's in a bad spot and all his other options have run out, she'd be happier knowing he's got these on him. There's also a post-script adding that she hopes he uses them for better purposes than SHE used to.
ALSO, she included some lollipops for Biz.
Kay: MOTHA-EFFIN' GOGGLES AW YEAH YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW HOW HARDCORE THESE GOGGLES ARE, DUDES. But seriously, she went ahead and got Kay some Go Goggles (unless they're not available in stores in which case they're just regular goggles because I am too lazy to go check)-- in the event that they ever wind up in another disaster situation, they might come in handy!
Professor Layton: Honestly, she sort of figured EVERYONE would be getting him riddle-books and puzzles, so she opted for something a little different. The ol' Proff reminded her of her own father right from the first moment she met him, so she figured maybe he would enjoy mystery novels as much as Harry did. So after scouring the bookstore in the Department Store for ages for something good, she finally found a decent-looking whodunnit-- "Transform", a crime thriller about a detective relentlessly hunting down a murderous master of disguise! SPOILERS: The twist ending is that all of the murder weapons are actually the same Ditto.
Johan: She sucks at baking, so she didn't make it herself, but by golly, she got him a cake. That's right. Frosting and all! Attached is a note that reads "HA HA, I BEAT YOU TO IT!" In addition, she also got him a woolen winter hat (it is rainbow-striped) and a goofy Wooper-print sweater-- along with two matching ones for Kay and Kaito ("YOU GUYS CAN BE THE SWEATER BANDITS!!"). Before the holiday season is over, she'll be demanding photos of the trio all together in their dumb Wooper sweaters.
Luke: Given this kid's tendency to get himself lost, kidnapped, and/or stuck in natural disasters, Heather thinks it might be a good idea to get him something that'll make it easier for him to let people know where he is if he ever gets into a tight spot. So while it's not QUITE the same thing as a flare, she went ahead and got him TM 61: Will-o-Wisp,. Along with a couple of candy canes and a note telling him to get a fire Pokemon for himself if he hasn't caught one already!
Phoenix: Three words: ugly. Ass. Tie. She went out and found the tackiest thing she possibly could (spoilers: it's got Mr. Mimes all over it) just so she could see him stammer and try to politely avoid stating the obvious and saying it's the most hideous thing he's ever seen.
Of course, she's not mean enough to leave it at that.
If she can get him to crack a smile at her ridiculous gift, she'll give him the real thing-- a whole lot of hot chocolate mix, a snuggly, significantly-less-ugly Furret-print wool scarf, and... a flashlight. Yeah. She remembers him going all fetal-position on her when that power outage happened. Flashlights have kept HER alive more than once-- she hopes it'll help him, too.
She also included a baggie with some handfuls of that sweet-scented mistletoe, for Butch.
Sora: Two things! First, a toy sword. She wants to be able to duel with the kid properly and it's the only way to get around the no-weapons rule!
Second: the most magnificent fake beard that the world has ever seen. It's gray and probably goes all the way down to Sora's waist. She also took the liberty of getting a tiny little plush Pidgey and hiding it inside the beard. Sora probably will not even know it's there for weeks until it falls out or something.
Yuugi: She remembers good and well how into learning and research this kid is-- so she went and got him a mini-encyclopedia on Pokemon. There's not really a whole lot of practical stuff in there-- it's more about wacky Pokemon trivia than it is about battling techniques. Still, it should provide an interesting read! There's also some candy canes thrown into the mix, and some treats for Jou and 'the other Heather'.
Barney: A clown suit. ... That's it. Just a clown suit. It actually looks fairly expensive and well-designed, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a clown suit. He really should have specified what he meant when he told her to get him 'a nice suit'.
Jack Skellington: A helmet and knee/elbow pads. Because... yeah. He's proven that he needs them. Badly. She also somehow managed to find some candy corn and put that in there as well, in hopes that it'd remind him of home!
Miles: This little guy needs to smile more. She's ALWAYS thought that about him and she thinks it even more now that she knows a little about why he is the way he is. Heather was a completely different kind of kid than he is when she was younger, so it's sort of tough to know exactly what kind of thing he'd like most, but she eventually settled on a toy-- a little remote controlled Pidgeot-shaped airplane. Because if there's one thing all kids can probably agree on, it's that controlling flying things is Pretty Damn Sweet (tm). She'll help teach him how to use it if he wants-- she knows what it's like to have a bleak childhood and how much of a difference just having one helping hand can make.
Also included are some treats for Pip and Pess.
Ur: Heather was honestly dumbfounded that this woman actually found her in the city to deliver a gift-- it's probably the first time an adult woman has ever done anything like that. Her wariness almost makes her suspicious of Ur, but... what reason has she been given to BE suspicious? Either way, Heather feels bad accepting a gift without returning it-- so, almost sheepishly, she'll be finding Ur sometime on Christmas Day and offering a scarf and a small package of festive ginger snaps.
Shelly: Man, what are you supposed to get for a mildly creepy old man? WHO KNOWS, but Heather's getting him SOMETHING. That something is a little bag of licorice (old dudes like licorice, right?) along with some comically fuzzy earmuffs.
Teddie: OMG TEDDIE YOU ARE CREEPY. Even if you are kind of sweet and Heather boggled and then laughed at the lunch money thing. Still, she went and found the weirdest-looking Teddiursa plush she could find. This one was in the sale bin at the Goldenrod Department Store. It was missing an eye and got stuffed sort of weirdly so it looks hunchbacked. Heather glued a big yellow marble over where the missing eye was and stuck a collar on that read 'Frankenbear-- please love me :'(' before sending it to Teddie.
Arty Artemis: On this fine holiday, Artemis will be receiving several Super Potions (perhaps an apology for tackling him down the stairs?) as well as ... a frisbee. ... WHAT IS THIS FOREIGN OBJECT???
Attached is a note: "Get some sun, Arty. You need it!"
Hiruma: Hiruma will be receiving a My Little Ponyta from an anonymous sender. Along with several adorable accessories.
Zack: Figuring Zack would want practical things, Heather went ahead and got him a package of flint and tinder, as well as quite a few protein/energy bars. Considering he was missing in action just tramping around the wilderness for so long, she figures he's going to need stuff like that.
Also included are some bright ribbons for Angela.
Dee: Heather hasn't talked to her in awhile, but that niggling deja vu is tugging at her mind. So Dee will be receiving candy canes. Lots of candy canes. Specifically, those awesome brightly-colored ones that exist purely to make childrens' eyes glaze over with ~*~RAINBOW SENSORY OVERLOAD~*~. Because... it seems like that's something Dee would like. She's a brightly-colored sort of gal-- which is ironic since she's the gothiest-looking person in Johto.
Larry: A snazzy bowtie (to impress the laaaaaydeeeeez!) and a big box of gummy Caterpies!
Gifts FROM others:
Otacon: A hand-made Growlithe plush, modeled on Cujo! Heather thinks it's the sweetest thing ever-- but she'll still tease Otacon to pieces for making it. Because that's what little sisters do.
Liquid: A pony. .... No, seriously. He got her a friggin' pony. That's on fire. She is kind of scared of it but has named it Carousel.
Snake: A giraffe plush.
Minnie: A hand-knit orange and white scarf.
Rise: A first-aid kit and a box of hair-dye, along with a hand-carved bangle bracelet.
Hayate: A bag of cookies, most of which were promptly eaten by Honey the Butterfree, although Heather was able to enjoy a few before the gluttonous bug Pokemon demolished the rest of the bag! Heather just wishes she'd snapped some photos of them before they got eaten, because they sure were pretty. :(
Envy: A bundle of candy canes, and also a travel-sized pillow (because he, Miguel, and Tulio kind of... broke into her room and then knocked down her pillow fort) and a big rawhide bone for Godzilla.
Kaito: A bag of Christmas candy and some yellow roses.
Kay: A friggin' CAPE. FUCK YEARH!!!
Professor Layton: Chocolate hint coins, a significantly-warmer-than-the-one-she-already-has coat and mittens, along with a coupon for a dress store! COULD.... COULD THIS BE A HIDDEN AGENDA? .... MAYBE.
Sora: A toy sword! GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE. Also, a
giant ridiculous hat which she will wear everywhere. Everywhere.
Yuugi: Boxing gloves. This gift scored a huge lol from Heather. You can bet she's going to go and fake-beat-up Otacon with them later.
Luke: A plush Teddiursa! D'aawww.
Miles: MORE COOKIES. Honey will be so fat by the time winter is over.
Phoenix: Some gloves and a loose orange necklace that she will adore.
Ur: More gloves-- two pairs. One for winter weather in general, and the other-- a badass LEATHER pair. Oh yeah.
Teddie: A bag of cookies and sweets, plus his 'lunch money'. Oh, Teddie. That scamp.
Artemis: A watch and Charcoal. Har har, very funny!
Hikaru: A red scarf.
Hiruma: Coal because Hiruma is a troll.
Zack: Black toe socks.
Apollo: Mint hot chocolate and a stress ball.
Iris: A Christmas card and some home-made chocolates.
Barney: The tackiest Christmas sweater ever.
Roxas: TM 79: Dark Pulse
If I forgot anybody on the 'Gifts FOR Heather' section, it's probably because I couldn't track down your gift post! Please comment here and let me know if I left anyone out!