Saturday night, Amy/Bobby/Patrick/Meg came over and we all had an awesome time. Mary Kathleen was also up from Murray, so it was quite a gathering at our small apartment =) The night's contents included me cooking corn-on-the-cob for Bobby/Amy/Pat, but Amy gets a gold star because she had seconds. Lots of embarrasing pictures were taken, my favorite is linked at the bottom, Amy's modeling some fine sharpie work by myself =)
After much sleeping off the alcohol and it SNOWING outside (wtf), I drove Amy back to campus and treated her to Perkins on the way, where we used much vulgarity and obscenity in the presence of the Sunday mornin' church crowd. Came back, watched Tales From The Crypt with Meg/Patrick/Dave, then took Meg/Pat back to campus. After that, I don't really much of anything that's happened since. Kinda sad, it's been over a solid day now, oh well =/ Don't know why I just now got around to updating, I think I just blinked and a day disappeared. Wish I could do that more often.