Jun 17, 2009 11:35
That's an understatement.
I'm very grateful to Smith College for giving us a stipend for movers. It's extremely helpful. But still only will cover about half the expense, because MOVERS ARE FREAKING EXPENSIVE. Even so, it's totally worth it (to us) to pay people lots of money to haul our stuff for us. Last 2 times we moved (to Urbana in 2005 and then to Champaign in 2007) I got heatstroke. We're planning to arrive in Northampton on August 1st. Definitely not a fun time to be lifting heavy things. We've also decided not to stress about packing - we'll do some of it, namely all our books, personal items and clothes - but will pay the movers to pack the rest. Really, it's not worth the stress. It's just money, right? And honestly, I'd really prefer to spend our last 6 or so weekends in C-U spending as much time with our friends as possible, rather than spending all day every weekend day packing. Srsly.
Still, this whole process is totally lame. Shutting off / turning on utilities...changing addresses (complicated by the fact that I'm changing my name - gah, gotta go to the S.S. office)...blah blah blah. Compounded by not having sold the house yet...le sigh. If we could just sell the damn house I wouldn't be stressed at all! Ok, that's a blatant lie. But I'd be less stressed. For reals.
And then there is the drive out to MA itself...newlyweds traveling 1,000 miles with their dog and 2 cats (one of which despises the dog) in the backseat! Should be totally hilarious. By which I mean: should cause SAN damage. Sweet! (No worries, everyone in the car will be either drugged or narcoleptic, save for Josh, the driver. The narcoleptic might also be drugged, for good measure. Josh can afford to lose a little sanity, I think. He has a surplus).
(Anyway, don't let this post fool you. Despite general insanity, things are good and lovely, and while I indulge in occasional mini freak-outs, for the most part I am happy and fairly chill. I've just gotten off the phone with the electric and water companies, and am feeling temporarily overwhelmed).
the year of change,
i need a shield magic