Title: Legerdemain or The Enchanting of Charles East
Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk, Alternate History
Rating: PG- some swears. Ladies cover your sensitive ears.
Summary: In 1800s London-Aldwych, stage magic always comes second to the scientific and engineering advancements that are quickly becoming the new marvel of the age. But Charles East (The
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(Oops, sorry. I forgot, you're better than that. XD)
The amazing magician of lunchtime forgot his lunch, it seems. (So THAT'S why the soup's so good! Magical soup!)
XD No problems that I could see, if you're still looking.
To continue this thread of things we hate from our conversation earlier, that IS one of the things I hate. Suddenly gay people will be SURROUNDED by other friendly openly gay people. This is NOT how it works!
Half the reason we're probably all insecure is because we have no freaking role models (my pop culture ones are now Stephen Fry and Neil Patrick Harris. Inorite?)
Of course, at least in a town like mine, no one would have been 'out' anyway. Most people, myself included, waited till after high school after we were far far away at college
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