So I had some vanilla vodka leftover from making
White Russian cupcakes, and I started poking around my kitchen trying to find something to mix it with. I came up with what I call a White Israel, because this drink contains milk and honey, and Israel is traditionally referred to as 'the land of milk and honey.'
Combine in an old-fashioned glass:
1 tsp honey
3 tsp water
Dissolve the honey. You can heat it up in the microwave to speed it along, but keep it under 15 seconds to make sure it doesn't get too hot. Add:
1/2 tsp instant coffee (or however much, to taste)
Dissolve the coffee entirely. Add:
2 oz. vanilla vodka (or 2 oz regular vodka and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract,)
Fill the rest of the glass with milk. I used 2% since this is what I had in the fridge, but the drink will probably be thicker with whole. Don't ask me about cream: I haven't tried it.
This thing is freaking delicious. I drink it all the time, and I usually don't like sweet drinks. I think the bitterness of the coffee helps, and I usually buy local blackberry honey, which isn't as sweet as the processed kind.
Seriously, by the time I finished typing this up, I've already finished half the glass. This is so not good for my alcohol consumption quota...