Our technical project team was done for the year earlier this week, so we all went out drinking. I woke up the next day at 8AM with a spectacular hangover and had to go participate in a 4 hour research study for a grad student in the systems engineering and information department.
I hadn't eaten breakfast beforehand and didn't have time to pick it up, so I asked if I could have one of the free bags of Doritos for breakfast and started eating them. The proctor was unimpressed/horrified and tried to dissuade me from doing this, but I kept repeating things like, "I'm a coder. I've eaten worse," which is sort of true. I think the worst breakfast I've had is three ibuprofens and a can of Red Bull.
So I built them a sensor network that used a weight sensor and some C# code to tell the time someone took a newspaper from the dispenser and how many newspapers they took. I got paid $100 for the study, so it was worth it, I guess.
Then I went home and realised all I had in my fridge was beer, yoghurt, half a pie, and milk for tea. None of this was lunch, and I gave no fucks and ate the pie.