Pofint "Baby Blue"

Mar 09, 2012 00:02

Episode Points of Interest

- I am not even fond of children, but holy crap, that bebe is adooorable.

- The promo made it sound like the cashier assumed that Carter and Finch were together, but in reality she's just talking to Finch. Still doesn't change the classic "Are you fucking kidding me? This weirdo?" expression on Carter's face one bit.

- I just lolled at the scene where Reese finds out the son is gay, because I am pretty sure Jim Caviezel's internal fundie was shouting, "GODAMMIT, FUCKING HOMOS GAYING UP DAT STARBUCKS, ORDERING CARAMEL MACCHIATOS AND SHIT" but Caviezel's acting face was all like, "I AM MADE OF STONE AND FINE WITH THIS."

On that note, I will admit that part of the reason I am so driven to write Reesefinch slash fic is the possibility of Caviezel finding it and being like, "OH GOD THE POWER OF CHRIST SHIELD MY EYES."
And Jesus is all like, "WAT IS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN, MAH SON."

I just like...I really want this to happen. And I'm pretty sure Michael Emerson is lolling at his computer somewhere and trolling the slash fandom trying to get more fic out there to piss Caviezel off. And Caviezel really wants to have some kind of press conference and tell slash fandom to cut this shit out, but that would mean acknowledging the fact that it exists, and no one wants to do that. No one.

- Reesefinch fighting about having guns in the house. YUS, official domestic. You cannot imagine how entertained I was at seeing Finch chew Reese out for keeping his weapons in the Library, and Reese is doing the standard , "Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm sorry, honey. Okay, I'll do it," litany.

- Who is that tough old guy that Carter is talking to about the fire in the apartment? He is wicked cool. I want him on the team. Every team needs a cool old guy. Especially since Carter is tapping out now. It will be kind of nice seeing her going back to an older role while still retaining her experiences (at least, I hope this is what they do. If they just rewind her character, I am going to be pissed). But now this really makes her the Inspector Gordon at the end of the Dark Knight when he lets Batman go but can't help him anymore.

- I am actually really surprised that Finch is better at being a dad right now than Reese. I would think Reese had a little bit of thought concerning family when he was with Jessica, but Finch up till this point hasn't had much backstory about family at all. I also like how Reese is talking to her like she's a legit person, like when he asks her for the grenade. Dude, just take it from her. She doesn't understand words yet. But I guess that's Reese, treating everyone equally for good or for ill.

- Finch calls the baby 'sweetie,' and I melt. Reese is all, Y u no call me sweetie? What if Finch called him Mr. Sweetie? That would make perfect sense. John Reese, John Caramel, John Sweetie. It's like the Inception fan theory that Eames calls Arthur 'darling' because his surname is actually Darling. And that's like, the worst name you can have in the criminal business, isn't it?

People who are laughing right now: yes. We are thinking of the same thing.

- YES, I was hoping the Affably Evil + Even Evil Has Standards tropes would come up. Reesefinch teaming up with Elias to save Leila. SO GOOD.

- JOHN REESE KISSES A BABY. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. She is so well behaved for being stashed in a duffel bag during a fire fight. I realised a few things during the part when Elias locks Reese and Leila in the refrigerated truck:
1) Does this make Elias an Ice Truck Killer?
2) Someone had to make that baby cry to get that shot of Leila crying. This makes me sad for some reason.
3) The baby is already on the way of perfecting her own "what the fuck are you doing?" expression, as evidenced in the shot when Elias closes the truck doors. The main characters have taught you well, bebe.


- Reese: "It would be nice to have a child. Children. You think that will ever happen with our line of work?" I know I am just being really picky with semantics, but our not my. QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH OUR FANDOM HEARTS, TV SHOW.

All in all, I would have really liked to see the cast interacting more with Leila, because I really wanted all the fuzzy wibbles with this episode. Still, it was cute. There were domestics and people being called John and Harold, and then Elias was a bag of dicks. Looking forward to the next episode.

EDIT: I know this would have been really cracky, especially since it makes more sense for Leila to go to family, but I sorted wanted the gay couple to adopt Leila. Especially since Caviezel would have been forced to be like, "Hi, I am sure you will be terrific parents. Please keep up the gay."

person of interest, television

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