Are there certain things in fiction (fan or original) that just put you off? For instance, I was just reading something that had the main character whine, pout, and flutter eyelashes (those exact words) all in one chapter. I was done. Goodbye. I don't know what it is about those particular descriptions, but I utterly detest them, even in characters that are supposed to be detestable. (I don't usually read stories with those sorts of villains anyway.)
Is there anything in fiction (fanfiction or original) that you can't stand? On the flip side, is there anything you particularly like? For instance, I really like concepts of strangers becoming family, underestimated people proving their worth, and geeky characters. This is perhaps one reason why I like Joss Whedon's work so much. Ditto Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis. These shows are all about people with different talents working together for common causes while still retaining great individual personalities. They have a manageable cast of characters that don't stretch the richness of their relationships too thin, and I love the snappy dialogue. The characters are always dedicated (a polite word. Obsessed is probably more appropriate) to something (history, engineering, anything), and they always figure out how to use these strengths effectively. If you read anything that I recommend, the heart of them is usually all about people choosing their own families.