
Jun 10, 2005 23:13

Category: Prose
Rating: G
Background: I was listening to Simple and Clean by Utada Hikari, and I just sorta came up with this. Yesh. I blame her and her frustrating talent and incredible range that I can't mimick. ~.^

It was a new moon, and not a cloud was to be found from horizon to horizon. She turned her head upwards, towards the diamond-studded velvet of the night sky. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, imagining that she could inhale the pure starlight, that glow that seemed as if it could heal her if only it were closer.

She started. A star had just fallen. She closed her eyes again and reached one pale hand upward, trying to catch the falling star...but her hand only closed on the empty air. She fisted the hand and brought it to her chest. If only she could grab hold of something real...nothing had been real lately. Not since that day.

She told herself again that she didn’t miss him. How could she? He had been nothing to her but an annoying jerk since the day he first bowled her over in the marketplace. She remembered throwing a lock of auburn hair out of her face with a frustrated huff, looking up at the slim but trim figure from her ungraceful position on the ground...she remembered a pair of blue eyes regarding her with concern, and for a moment those eyes had seemed to glow as twin stars, even in daylight. But then that snarky voice had issued from beneath the enchanting eyes, and she had despised him ever since. Hadn’t she?

What had gone wrong? What had she ever done to deserve what had happened that day? She was just living her life as well as any other person could expect to, and suddenly there were flames; flames everywhere. They consumed all. They spared none. Not a shred of mercy was to be found in the wickedly enticing tongues. She had done nothing but stare in horror as her world came crashing down around her and on top of her. There was nothing she could have done.

That was what she kept telling herself, anyway-there was nothing that she could have done. But some part of her set a lump of lead in her stomach, a lump of lead that sent a poison of guilt and regret coursing through her system. There must have been something she could have done. There had to have been. There had to have been!

She had just sat there, paralyzed, as tears coursed down her face and his screams of rage and then pain reverberated over the roaring of the flames.

She jolted herself back to reality, once more stoically losing herself in the glimmer of the sky. No sense in dwelling on the past. No sense on dwelling on what you can’t change...

Starlight reflected in the fresh tears running down her burned cheeks.
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