Mar 21, 2004 13:00
Billy is sort of geting back in to the billy i met. billy is the guy that fucks around alot just bacck n forth and that one main thing that made me find he so irrisitable. well the other night i was KNOCKED OUT LIKE THE FUCKIN queen. and he i dont snore. as anyone! he woke me up and liek yr snoring. so half asleep i was liek ok adn rooled over and TRIED going back to sleep nad he fuckin stole all the blankets. and im lik e wtf cme on billy im fuckin tired. (this was the first night he was home) da he wouldnt and we had a tug of war for liek 10 minutes ticklin each other to get one of us to give up nad nether would i wanted to go back o sleep. so im liek fuckit man! and went to the garage and grabbed my quilt. and come back and hes all GASP! wheres that from i said the garage good night! haha and hes all thank im still cold and took it! so im liek billy im tired but by this time i was wide fuckin awake. i kissed him and i dont think hes ever kissd back like that. where do people get energy liek at at 4 AM?