Nov 29, 2004 18:23
Let's see.. Fairly good Thanksgiving.. played HALF-LIFE 2 for over 9 hours and ate some yummy home cooking. Didn't have the regular traditional Thanksgiving. Normally EVERYONE comes over and we spend all day eating and talking.. but this time.. couldn't really do that. Had these little bugs ALL OVER our house... saw toothed grain beetles I think is what they're called.. they came in our food and destroyed it all so we had fast food for like.. a month b/c my mom tore apart the ENTIRE kitchen. We just recently starting eating at the table again. Anyway... ummm Saturday.. more games and nothingness.. cleaned a little.. that's aboot it. Sunday... I .. yes.. it's true. I reformatted *BUM BUM BUM!!!* I really needed to though.. it's SOOOooooo much faster now. ahhh... smooth sailing. I spent my entire sunday reinstalling stuff. okay, well.. not my entire sunday. I helped my dad put the Christmas lights up outside. IN THE SNOW!!! <3 snow. me and Jazzy played in it.. great fun. Except for when you lose your glasses in the snow.. that sucks. Eventually found them though.. Okay.. i'm done.