ah, the lovely depression

Apr 13, 2007 01:38

i want to quit.
quit everything
my job
im done.

i mean why shouldnt i
i dont want to be here
i never wanted to be here
i was never asked if i wanted to be here
i just am

i am not allowed to kill myself
this i know
but thats why i put myself in the more dangerous positions
incase, oops something happens
well at least im not complaining about it.

"its not what they want"
i dont care what they want
im tired of it being everybody else that matters
and never me
its never been me
why am i a what about me person
because im the only one who trys to fight for me
fuck it, fuck you
im tired of the bullshit.

i want to quit my job
get one at McDs
where i can smoke pot every day
come in stoned
no responsability
no cares

there is no reward to caring
so why do it
self pride and a destroyed soul
if you dont care you dont have a soul
which hurts less than having one destroyed
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