Dec 13, 2007 12:27
So, I have to write seven facts about myself.
1. I will be starting a new job January 2, 2008 teaching 9th grade Social Studies.
2. I am going to move back to New Paltz. (I know, crazy)
3. In 2008, I will be starting my graduate work in ____________________________.
4. I am very sad about leaving my students at Webutuck. It's as if I have 60 children.
5. A student of mine that has a difficult family life had a seizure in my classroom on Tuesday. His parents will not take him to the hospital to get examined. I cried.
6. I am disappointed that he's just not that into me. Sometimes I feel undesirable.
7. I am really happy that my mom is getting better.
Now, I guess I have to pick 7 people? I don't really know seven people on livejournal, but I will try.