Jan 31, 2006 00:11
Foolface06 (10:09:07 PM): no public out a can guess we're Bucky I'm not going to try go cruises the real.
Foolface06 (10:10:28 PM): let's go to
Foolface06 (10:30:39 PM): The hardest profession is acting dance music is the hardest profession and will all work and see a home ..........
Foolface06 (10:30:41 PM): pollutants pretty good look at
Foolface06 (10:30:55 PM): Bundy this primitive for computer
Foolface06 (10:31:14 PM): Yes link
Foolface06 (10:31:33 PM): Trust me you I try and
Foolface06 (10:31:42 PM): for Yup
darkangelmickey (10:32:23 PM): How would you like to go for a ride?
Foolface06 (10:32:34 PM): will I'm sure in
Foolface06 (10:32:55 PM): all all will unseal sentiment is picking up you'll you'll like when you called my microphone back emit Beale words
Foolface06 (10:33:07 PM): but she moved
Foolface06 (10:33:20 PM): set RS said Yeltsin and the swift and
Foolface06 (10:33:33 PM): Gannett defeated ahead it hit animals welling as to
Foolface06 (10:34:36 PM): back and try and use regular a missing what may when all
Foolface06 (10:35:28 PM): I was talking land in his accuser making noises
Foolface06 (10:39:39 PM): Michelle is not a whit
foolface06 (10:39:48 PM): old Mary Dillard
Foolface06 (10:47:24 PM): again, For up and I will but will join a minute and the the Melissa ding up and noticeable nor it is now the wooden notice no word overcame
Foolface06 (10:48:25 PM): minute and police command
darkangelmickey (10:49:07 PM): O. dictation and and Hello their Wesley sandy Noll
Foolface06 (10:49:47 PM): Planned in a sub an idiot
darkangelmickey (10:55:28 PM): Unknown wonder
darkangelmickey (10:55:54 PM): And none quite enter and her busted and turbo for ended and ended
darkangelmickey (10:56:39 PM): See a demo may donate and tear and tear in turn in tier and tear and tear entire net gain tailor and tear please pretty please and tear and ten no and terror stand Santa
darkangelmickey (10:56:45 PM): See if enter
darkangelmickey (10:57:34 PM): I do not understand why the Computerland's hands select the new hearing and tear and terror and tear
Foolface06 (10:57:59 PM): all but all all will see "tentative entire issue) and third inter
darkangelmickey (10:58:36 PM): Dick patient Inter
Foolface06 (10:59:01 PM): Date takes in less command to have
Foolface06 (10:59:19 PM): The patient dictation
darkangelmickey (10:59:39 PM): The quiche and president bush had a lonely of Faye air in the Overall all this stupid computer .
Foolface06 (11:00:02 PM): To attempt to attempted to attempted to detective both are can't prove wisdom a and if him to true
darkangelmickey (11:00:38 PM): to attend detective both are can't prove aware of broom was the band eight F. one of the mobile devastated thistle ridiculous voice command and tear voice command and tear voice command and tear is say iif it entails for use command debt nvoice command in terror
darkangelmickey (11:01:21 PM): I can barely hear it
darkangelmickey (11:01:51 PM): Now why can't you can rob boley with me all the time with the man
Foolface06 (11:02:08 PM): but it it the bulls goalie the K.
darkangelmicWesCo date you will crack with But oddball would hate old walk down key (11:02:50 PM): Was school day you go to list a computer and the scope the old goodness those lost in a WesCo brought ovation OPS topic of Udall Novell's god or bonehead old mark Gunn .
Foolface06 (11:03:33 PM): you go to list the computer and the school the old goodness those lost in a WesCo brought ovation cops topic of of all know it's
Foolface06 (11:04:23 PM): politics tonight is baking gold might bring you a say over its annual prostitutes and smoke with their population cash in his it but but it -but but you can bet that I gotta get some ahead and did it can
darkangelmickey (11:04:52 PM): WesCo Morris command oval subcommittee less going to have a drink stupid stupid system can get this could be that the The: genital herpes . crime bold Tate can
darkangelmickey (11:06:29 PM): But the Quo they're going houses indoors O. R. Reid the Etheridge Williams who with it will look at the small children look into the hall quake . , believe is U. P. phonebook of the jungle gym look about the children play, Campbell G. U. Pena warns of you read below being with half the total Borland's little bit hack Wesley who was this UPN no one's has a new state that is so crazy at an O. that is slow freak and we're discussed. Showing no UPN was W. W. W. die UPN 54.com evidence is so stupid This computer is really retarded and let handsome or brown is early in the wood doctor outlet . But
Foolface06 (11:08:02 PM): delete more tonight each to some church's chicken and police Duvall won't seize a X. -and it did
Foolface06 (11:08:30 PM): But but below right, I guess
darkangelmickey (11:09:04 PM): A very good computer you are to stupid as I once believed you were 80 you can dictate this whole sense correctly a will give you a cookie a feud at a "sir you and now and our was leading the way the destroyed and you did not repeat this correctly an-it in d will destroy you immediately
Foolface06 (11:10:05 PM): and dictation soot, those data computer will set the tone could cache it cash but but and Cash flow and it a wooden with disturbing sentiments to that my computer can not also filed a case in its own way to get the sentence collected by might be needed some hot bias shaky and all perhaps a cold drink cold box will be an not board Simpson but the box will be
darkBut he will clean the record book the angelmickey (11:11:07 PM): The game a game a game a game a game a game agrees the indications select those data computer will set the tone could cache it cash but but in cash flow and it with a wooden with disturbing sentiments to a Michael Deaver cannibals will fall at a case in some way tickets tense conducted by might be needed some hot bias shaky end of the antelope and up suckle America box will be an not the board Simpson bought the box will be a one-, no
Foolface06 (11:13:49 PM): So my clothes that the computer will set the tone could take shape cast blood but in cash flow and it will with a wooden What disturbing sentimental Michael Deaver cannibals will fall when a case in some way tickets tense conducted by might be needed somehow to buy is shaky a bit-efficient it didn't go ahead and cook Kirk but to get a little in Illinois and cut but but when a woman in that it -it it it it it to our to a a kit Kat at good Godot aren't allowed bullet though Cat-O. ahead of the get the road good And then nine then then to head to head with command at a good term And then cant it-it would fit with demand and
darkangelmickey (11:15:50 PM): To Seoul one clove of the computer will set the tone could take shape cast blood aboard and cash will all and they will be with a wooden report disturbance at the bed don't Michael T. woeful when a case in some way tickets tents conducted by my knee did somebut ticket little bit Eleanor and could put a cookbook it and in it in the com port who in the kit Kat in the good go to our tone of a bill that the bolt at all of an avid the road good and did not need them in to that did with command at a good terror and then can't beat it would did with demand and all micron's voice command in a voice command
Foolface06 (11:18:40 PM): The dictation OK to Co. one clove of the computer will step could crash but it could take shape of cancer blood aboard and casual all and they will be with the wood wrote block plate hit to disturb its at the Dade to Dole bike with the goal for Olympic case and some with tickets states could talk fish GATT but my need it was some bland people with cookbook it and and it in the Concord holding the K.K. and good-codes to want to hold awful bill that the bolt at all of them as in the world gold and did not need him in to that date with command that could tell her and then came to beat it would did with demand and Al Michaels voice command in a voice command in it it of
darkangelmickey (11:18:40 PM): a live with the hot buys shake in and Coker if you might cut into but of cocaine is the big new at the back of a thing and then pick up true in and The vote of the And that of the with a full and ole "who the and in a hit with the A. A. but and ago and it is the beauty and an that and it up. If they and the E. A. A. a voice command
Foolface06 (11:20:14 PM): But a live with the hot buys stake in that and Coker if you might call it in to block of cocaine is the big you at the backed off the thing and then taken up troll and and the vote of the and that of the way of coal and ole whole old block and inaction eight with the aid eight blocked and Arco and is the beauty and and that and the fault is the and that the gateway of voice command
darkangelmickey (11:23:18 PM): You listen the dictation bouquet to co one clove of the computer will will step could crash and but they'd could take shift at a board int and can show all and they will be with the wood wrote a block plate hit to disturb it spent the day did the old blank with the goal full Olympic case and some of picket states could talk of its own but my need it was something bland people of it with coca book it and indicate the Concord hold of the K.K. and good colds to want to hold awful bill to the bold ball and as in the world gold and did not beat him into the date with command that could tell her at am Dakota This room and if it mean women see alone but all live without buys stake in bed and Coker if you might call it into block of cocaine is the big you get the backed off a fifth of the event taken up trolled it and then the will and then bent of the way of coal and old bowl whole block bowl block and inaction eight with 888 go out and our code and is the beauty and at that and the fault is that and then the gate weight of voice command and quaint they could tell her and then cameit could coax but god that is it at its goes off exudes simply hit the miles in the middle of the peach investigates state it's that is an that we are a is : if a sole success into text and the
Foolface06 (11:26:34 PM): The U.S. and the dictation and bouquet to co one clove of the computer will will will stop Kent Conrad and then birthday to take shift at a board and and can show all they were with the wood wrote a block rate it disturbed it spent the day did the old blank with the goal to put us but book Bigelow holistic case and some tickets states could talk of its old globe Aidid it was something bland heap of it with cocoa book dead and culpable to stand indicate the Concord hold of without of the K.K. and could cause to want to hold off on the road to the bowl ball and as in the world gold and did not beat him into the date with command that could tell her at them to colder this wrong and is in the morning and see a low but oddly and a ball and without bias state and bed and cocoa if you might call it into block of cocaine is the big hit at the backed off of. The the event taken up trolled and an the we'll look at and the intent of the way of colts and old bowl whole block complex fly dead and at Kincaid with Danny gates gold out cash at the taco and distributed and added that day and the fault is that and the gate weight of waste command and quaiit that its goals all its new sibling hit miles in the middle of the teach investigation had to it did as the gates state to its day is again that that weeklong a day as if a sole success into text and the whole goodness
darkangelmickey (11:30:49 PM): Dick Tatiana bogor diktat taken a hopeless to assisted as farthest of it
darkangelmickey (11:31:48 PM): Hello Herman Leno hello hello Havel yes oh mark-and known be able to do their U.S. a voice command and tear it
Foolface06 (11:32:23 PM): Hello Oregon little hello hello Kevin yes all Warwick and no be able to do the U.S. avoids the man and tear it all down should dictation coming along voice command
darkangelmickey (11:33but hello again bullied by David Leblanc :27 PM): Hello Oregon Lytle hello L. Kevin Eagan file it and be able to do the U.N.'s avoids the man and Terrell demolition dictates "let's cut at it at at now manages if it could it is what That really allow of saw avoids command And I'm But if
Foolface06 (11:33:30 PM): It That leaves that it dictation and voice command, will discotheque down the whole U.S. and avoid the man she can't
darkangelmickey (11:34:48 PM): The hello Oregon Leno hello Kevin Eagan file ended be able to do the you win avoids the man to realm Tirello Steere demolition decays let's cut ended now manages if it could that would bring the allow solve awards command and among but that leaves identifhave occurs in Oregon as you that I died and I data and effort areas of as a result of beaches if it is new
Foolface06 (11:34:59 PM): Paulo war daily with hello L. Kevin Eagan file it and be able to do the U.N.'s of what's the man and two relatively should dictate splits cut and now cannot manage as if "it is but that will allow also spend and I'm but if indeed and voice command
Foolface06 (11:36:16 PM): file and did the able to do we way and avoids the bash until red old it took us to do it to dictate if it detects clips cut it did Dow manages is it code that he will bring the allows solve awards command and the mall but that leaves I didn't have a currency board as you that, died and I data and effort to carry use of wouldn't knew I'd offered as a result of beaches David as you
darkangelmickey (11:37:02 PM): The commission all it took it out all my gosh voice command now poised of this a both ways that
darkangelmickey (11:37:38 PM): And what the hell is wrong with this computer or Boyce command a voice command
Foolface06 (11:37:49 PM): -effective and what the hell is wrong with this computer all Boris commando with command
darkangelmickey (11:38:11 PM): But at Dolores commando at Bordeaux note was debated voice,
Foolface06 (11:38:45 PM): -cook to cut costs cash back Kerr to decode a good amendment to the Seattle and in and bullet that Dole wisdom and closed and voter O. L. are the pair could did she avoids the met with net voice command
darkangelmickey (11:39:30 PM): The Coke to cook calls Kenny beck cared the decode a good amendment to the Seattle and in blue and Dole wins but cools them folder colwell the payer would did he would the mat would net boards to make
Foolface06 (11:40:03 PM): But the cook to cook calls cave that that cater to the Dick Holbrooke remand to the Seattle and in blue and gold in the colts them folder colwell the plague the pale would did he would the mat would networks to meet with command of its
darkangelmickey (11:41:04 PM): Both the Coke to cope calls cave band and catered to the day: broke a room at the scene kennel and in blue and gold in the colts don't hold a goal well but about. All would Dean Webb demanded would networks to beat with command of its the waste command command With boys command
Foolface06 (11:41:56 PM): old calls the caveman dedicated to the date and vocal roam that the state capitol to it and then blue and go in the colts will hold a gold well without all the way of them and it would not want to be with command of cash flow of its the waste command command with always command it What the hell into a
darkangelmickey (11:42:50 PM): A lot calls the caveman dedicated to the date and vocal room that the state capital state capital with the helicopter and to int and then the below one goal in the colts will hold a bold well without all the way of them and they would not want to be with comman
Foolface06 (11:43:46 PM): A lot calls the caveman did that dedicated to the date invoke one that the state capitol state capital with the outlook upland and today and it did the blood golem the colts will hold a bold where Whittaker a glow with them and then would not want to be wwith your bed with a red-but it got to teach cooked out at the a day good at flow of skin and could
darkangelmickey (11:45:46 PM): The case and bouquet to get in a live calls the keen mandate dead dedicated to the date invoke one that the state's capital state capital of the art woke up when it to be handed did the bloated cough at the colts will pull the bold about what a global with them and then would not want you'll dated to with a red but it got to teach cooked coat and a day ago if a loaf ski and include this would is wrong when you've created if you gotta start trading with the mandated of those stupid all my best friend that with a gala topic of wrote about by it it's a the hell a planned and cult looked up and blow up and down, click is opened and that is old scope goal by gosh Wesley you go down after read my voice command
Foolface06 (11:48:12 PM): but the case and bouquet to get in a live calls the caveman date date dedicated to the date invoke one that the state's capital state capital of the car, when it to be handed did the bloated call at the college will hold the bold about what a gold bone with tto with the way it but they gonna teach" and a day ago and if as if almost keep if it did go to those who owe it rolled would you created if you gotta stop the white factors if they'd gotten stock traded with the bed data those all my best friend with a gala topic of rolled about by it its are there at all will play and colt looked up and blow up and down could get open it did that is cold school goal by dodge Westlake could you go down at the crash cooked GATT data out at but but but ^dodo dodo oh him to the glitz committed -with-it ought to And with demand voltage command oval committed to attach a glass cut asked a visit our listened to
darkangelmickey (11:50:40 PM): The patients and can go of it and but the case in bouquet to get in a live calls the caveman date date dedicated to the date info one that the state's capital state capital of the caught a wooded to be routed the double loaded call it but did well with and will the want to weigh the wooded body be the big defeat in a day ago and if guys in almost keep did it did to go to those who will what role would you created you gotta stop the white effect as if they got MIS-If they'd gotten stock traded with the bathed in to this with again looked topical roll the ball behind in stone there at wall will play in "looked up and blow up the ducks could get open it did Dennis Coles school old but died Westlake could you go down to the crashed looked and at coped data out at both but bto dig less that as the physical layer of now acid to a scoop me and whisk up was late in
Foolface06 (11:54:06 PM): and can go wild gold. In both OK to pay to dutyCalls the cable and the day decided to the date in bold that the state's evidence they can't vote "I want to be by the double old call it but did well with and you will want to weigh the wooded bowl to be the big defeat and a day ago and it drives since the data date "" will walk old which created you gotta stop the way the fact fifth if they done this if they can start treaty with the band and Tuesday to with again looks terrible quarrel of all be out he did told America will play it looked up and bolt cuts could get opened it did did this colts GUI all but.Westlake "you go down to where old and add" data author of that vote will be to both ticket cliffs at that as the physical layer of now as said to Wasco the end with the world's leading Machado always command But Enter a Washoe a long and voice command
darkangelmickey (11:57:54 PM): The bottom of the the of that at the south and cold it in can go wild gold in both Colgate key to do we call was the cable and the day decided to the date in bold that the state's evidence they can devote a I want to be above the doubled call it but did wwill wall coal which created you gotta stop but the fact that if it fits that if they can start treaty with the into the twit and locus terrible quarrel awful the county didn't Dole America will all the Campbell "cops could get open the gate did this coldhope of one vote will be tabled ticket cliffs at that as the physical layout of love now this into a scuffle at that gate with the world The world's leading birch data will always command board until what shall we had was in And can in fact, just then take the medicine and some are: "and if it old gram of school board and medicine with both
darkangelmickey (11:58:23 PM): know no dictation Jews rated alone and without prone off the microphone aware of minds the recording and dictation going on indicate a offense can and enter it and enter
Foolface06 (12:02:36 AM): no mill dictation do rated own and without prone off the microphone aware of mines the record and a patient going own indicator fans and an anterior it and enter but -and
Foolface06 (12:03:04 AM): It But if it Michelle Galanter tunnel with your name right him to the hit it said that but in what you read a lot about talking but then it hit the hit it and get it but it to blow they can -eat it note no detailed you read alone and without promo phlebitis fold away of the mines the recording and attention: would indicate it offers candid and interpret and inter but the bottom more than the bottom of the boat of that act itself and cold a day and handled while gold in both Colgate shift key and told to go we call was the case went and the data survey to determine in bold that the state's evidence that the controlled and I want to be able to call it but will whale wall Quo which created you can't stop but the fact that if it gets hit today gift to carry dish it hit it -blooded to the pro at tomorrow coast guard Kai Tak's could owe a good good a good book good book or read about the cattle cops could get open the gate did this cold hold of one vote will be a table and ticket clearance -and that get as good as a goodly elbow blow of a doll does it go scuffle and tag aid with the world the world's leading birthday and will always command boulder until which all we had was in and came in fact-features it just didn't take the medicine and some mom and give it old Gramm school boards and message with bolts that cook oh, Helen biggest goal goal from cache hut did this become youth or worked I'm sure way to use the Boston to more and more with less than a one one love of this Landau-hand -fish -Jewish shell, love hell in my "level four years but they've played is the newest L'oreal a document will something to stay relatively single individual one since the DC-that is frightening in a heavy last local that day and talk about school board can -eat-it -
Foolface06 (12:03:58 AM): did on to the leg says the rekindle the board as early K.@cap which he watched cooked get goodwill as to where it's our arm -but to Cut a good as we really did the woodwork news and I can hit defeated a cash if it if it if it to go a long way toward Michael Bowe