And where do we go from here?

Nov 29, 2003 22:25

I had planned to write down something or another, profound and wise, involving life's little lessons as demonstrated by the Teletubbies. But I've completely forgotten what. Something about pinwheel antennae only making ONE of their bellies show films, even though they all have intestinal TVs. Or maybe how they shit commercials or something.
I'm not really sure. That's how it works. We never get where we set out for because we forget where it was we were going before we get there. Or at least, that's how it works for me. Lately.
It used to be worse, but I have drugs for that now.

Today's Crimefighters:
He's an ungodly overambitious firefighter with a secret. She's a transdimensional Bolivian fairy princess with her own daytime radio talk show. They fight crime!