Got to have a J O B, if you wanna be with me

Jan 10, 2004 07:55

Being a spanking new god. Anime began to search for a purpose, something to associate herself with. One just had to be the goddess of something, after all. It wouldn’t do to be so lazy as exist for only one’s own self.
All the really good stuff was already taken though. There was already a goddess of love, of the moon, of the sea and sky. Not much left. So what’s a young deity to do? Use her imagination, of course!
For a while she thought of becoming the goddess of falling leaves, or maybe of snow devils. Nice, pretty, fleeting things well suited to her nature. But not quite it. She searched, and thought, searched and thought, but nothing seemed right, somehow. Then she happened to spend some time watching an old fool of her mother’s wrapping presents.
Late for Yule, he was still determined to get things in the mail. Such joy he had while he did it. Missing the holiday mere trivia compared to the fun of sending off presents. Giving things away was a sacred act in his mind. The anticipation of friends receiving things unexpectedly made him smile as he cut, then folded patterned paper and taped into place.
That gave her the idea she wanted. Goddess of gift-wrap! Happy, gaily colored, festive ephemera. A moment of beauty, only to be torn apart amid the fun of gift giving. A fragile, temporary vehicle of love and pleasure. Perfect!

Today's Crimefighters:
He's a world-famous coffee-fuelled waffle chef with a passion for fast cars. She's a bloodthirsty red-headed bodyguard married to the Mob. They fight crime!