Character Study

Jan 06, 2007 03:11

Really, this isn't so much as a character study, even though I call it that, as a think through of him as a character and how it relates to how I play him. Wait... that kinda is a character study...


I decided to do this character study on Ichigo a while ago, near when I started RPing in the first place, but never got around to it... cus I get distracted easily in my old age...

First off, I feel I've been playing on the OOC side since the start. ⌐_⌐ Ichigo never was one on talking a lot, but if he doesn't talk, RPing would bore the hell outta me since that's all RPing is. So, because his mun in long winded, his threads end up much longer than I think they'd normally be if I kept him as perfectly IC as I could. Other than that, I feel I've done pretty decent, but I need to read the canon again...

Now, everyone keeps telling Ichigo he's repressed, which is totally true. Canonically, he doesn't really show he has a sex drive at all. Not until the later chapters with the Arrancar does he show any type of desire to even see a girl naked, much less doing anything about it. If Kon didn't 'take care' of his body, Ichigo'd probably explode. I wouldn't even know how to handle him if he were 'un-repressed' as people keep willing him to be. Pent up frustrations from around age 13 or earlier to now would totally blow up in my face. If Ichigo hates me now, he'd hate me more for what I'd allow him to do 'un-repressed'. If he had some tact/common sense that stayed with him all the time instead of being given to him in LOL!orbs and had a real man's desires and innuendo, I think he'd be some kind of whore. Yes. I just called Ichigo a whore. He is called the fandom bicycle...

So, on that note, if you're talking to me in AIM or randomly OOC somewhere and I say something about LOLing Ichigo with something liberating/sex/innuendo related, point me back here so I can fully realize the repercussions of my actions.

Skipping along to something more serious [read: less perverted], it's kinda hard to think of how Ichigo would react with people who aren't shinigami or his 'normal' school friends. Being as shounen!Retard mode is always on, he really only has two different, changeable modes. There's protect!mode and irritated/flustered!mode. His meh!mode was one I started off with, but has since diminished as I can't seem to get the 'Huh? Sure, whatever' distractedness required for him anymore, which leaves me to his other two modes.

His protect!mode pretty much overpowers everything else, and combine with shounen!retard powers, it pretty much defines most of what he is. He feels like he has to protect something or someone, and if he didn't have someone to protect, he'd just keel over or something. He puts everyone else in front of himself and just gives and gives. He feels guilty when someone else is hurt because of him or for him and he just has to do something about it. He can't wait. He has to DO something. Sitting still just isn't his style, and it pretty much shows in his canon.

Being as 'repressed' as he is, just mentioning sex or boobs just throws him off. It isn't hard to break his mind. At all. Eventually he'll build some resistance, but it'll take a bit longer before 'ZOMG SEX!' doesn't make him have an aneurysm or mild heart attack. It'd also help if he'd stop asking such obvious questions and his mun wasn't such a pervert, but he can't do anything about that last part. He'll just have to evolve a bit more from canon in Nexus so I can force get him to talk normally about it. Maybe even joke. Who knows... ::waves hand::

Yes. Done. I might do a relationship thing later, too... once Ichigo actually has more thoughts than 'little boy who hits sister with lightning bolts' or 'orange-haired pervert' or 'pregnant lady' or 'people who think I'm repressed when I'm not'.

If anyone has any questions or good things to add, comment so I can expand on it.

character study

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