I want to build a small community here in Live Journal.
The community will be on Taoistic Breathing.
Breathing tecniques are one of the pillars on which any serious meditation tradition stands (other incled, a correct diet, a correct physical posture, a correct mind-intent, ...).
We will follow the lessons of Taoist breathing as is teached from
Master Bruce Kumar Frantzis in his volume, "relaxing into your being", and in his 2 compact discs (also available as audiotapes). All the material is available
here. The compact discs in particular contain 28 lessons, and are the best lessons I could find on the subject.
The aim is not to breath better 10 minutes a day, while you practice. The aim is to re-code the uncoscious so that the deep breathing pattern is retaind through the whole day. For this to happen a certain ´time´ and ´clarity-of-intent´ are necessary. As well as the intention to humbly proceed slowly, from the most simple breathing patterns to the mor complex.
As my friend and teacher, Jim, would have said:
I don´t practice, this is for real.
I am not a ´certified´ teacher from Bruce Kumar Frantzis school. But I am certified to teach breathing as part of my
Healing Tao training. I will follow those lessons too, and I will be working with you.
We will wait until all those interested had the time to buy the material (at least the compact discs, or audiotapes, are a prerequisite to follow what will happen), and then start together.
I am making this comunity as a gift to others, as well as to support me, as I undertake this deep work.
As such is a one time offer. It will start, develop and end.
Drop a line if you are interested. The community will be created if there are at least two other persons beside me. Feel free to speak about it in your own journal.