*Dling Dlong*
Just a little reminder:
This livejournal is not in use anymore. Maybe one day I will come around and reorganise it, and then it will become a nice place where I do document a period of my life. This will also be easier now that tags are available here too.
Right now I am available at
pietrosperoni and
_pietrosperoni_. The first is a moblog (mobile web log), with picture from my mobile phone, and commenting my life. The second is a blog where I discuss technical detals of the web, politics, and generally longer and more thought out entries. Note: about one in three of those entries are in italian. Since the second is just a syndacation feed for my blog (which is at
http://blog.pietrosperoni.it) you should not comment on them, but comment directly in the page of my blog, or I would not see them.
From time to time I find interesting links. I normally add them to my
delicious page (syndacated at
deli_pietros, but many of those links are just uninteresting for everybody else. When I find something that I really think should be blogged, I add it to a special page in delicious:
blogme. Such page gets also syndacated (from today) on livejournal at
So, my suggestion to stay in touch with me are:
or viceversa :).
Whatever you decide, my love for you will remain unchanged.
*Dlong Dling*