On the one hand Bruce will be teaching
Tai Ji for Taoist Meditation in Greece, between the
9th and the 15th of May. I don't have the money to go there, but I don't have also the focus to stop thinking about it.
My father might be coming to Brighton in that period too, unless I tell him to come in another period.
loiclemeurblog is
passing through the UK, and has asked who might be interested in meeting for a bloggers dinner. Now Loic was the one to provide most of the material for
Davos. I am really curios to know him. Also it was in his blog that I made the big comment on cooked fat being the cause of obesity. Comment that later
raised so high in Googles statistics. Now Brian will go to Bruce course, so I might as well miss
wednesday class, and go to Loic dinner.
To add meat to the plate, the
European Creative Forum will be meeting in London
on that week end. The ECF is the yin side of the WTFCON. I really enjoyed the WTF, so I probably should go and check how the ECF is. Apart having started some friendhip, the WTFcon gave me a strong push toward online action. It's probably following to the discussion that I had there that I started OurAnswer. A site I had been thinking from a few days.
In the meantime
Our Answer is
starting to resemble what it should have become. It's still only me and a friend doing all the edits, but hopefully more people will turn up. Why don't you, for example?
first page we are working for is the statement from Condoleezza Rice to the 9/11 commission. We organised three pages:
Any of those pages can be edited by anybody, but we don't expect people to edit the transcript. But if they do, never mind... is a
By the way, an interesting thing, is that I finally
took off all the
background images in my site. I know that it made it much prettier, but is already 4 times slower because of all the frames. I don't need any other excuse for it to be even slower. I hope this might be appreciated by those of you who are on dial up.