Chi Nei Tsang

Dec 02, 2003 14:59

By the way, I am also considering starting again to do Chi Nei Chang Massage. I reasoned that is going to be very difficult to me to find any job that has nothing to do with meditation.
As a programmer they don't want me and I don't want them.
In the academic I am in in terms of papers, but not in terms of being paid.
As for temping I have give my curriculum around, but people of my age had more experience.
And I still am not sure if I want to teach.

I use to do Chi Nei Tsang massage 6 years ago in Rome. I left because I use to pick up all sorts of weird unpleasent energies. After a couple of years my energy was stronger, and I could help other people in relative safety.

I should need some time to get back the hand, I will start with very simple cases, simple massages, and probably not even charging them.

Thoughts about it?


hints of a new life, being a taoist, taoist

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