Jan 15, 2009 14:10
First off, I wanted to say that I really appreciate all the sympathy from folks out there regarding my recent *ahem* change in employment status :)
I felt I should clarify, for anyone who is concerned after reading my previous post, that I'm actually not doing too badly, and this whole mess is arguably not as bad as it sounds at first..
To be honest, the conditions of my termination are actually pretty good, all things considered. For starters, my actual termination date isn't for two more months, so for the next two months I'm technically still employed, in a "paid leave" sort of capacity. I won't have to do anything (well, technically I'm not allowed to even login to anything anymore), but will continue to get paychecks and health benefits, etc for the next 60 days or so. I am also still going to be receiving my annual bonus check from last year, which should help (not sure how much that's going to be this year, but it's usually nothing to sneeze at). On top of that, I'm getting a lump-sum severance package (after the 60 days are done) which amounts to another 3 months and 2 weeks of my base salary, so all told I'm getting about 5.5 months of salary plus a bonus check coming my way. Actually, according to the packet they gave me, I should be eligible for state unemployment benefits as well, should it come down to that..
So despite my sudden lack of employment, I shouldn't be hurting financially for quite a while. Ironically, it looks like if I can manage to find another job in the next couple of months (fingers crossed), I might end up better off, financially, at the end of all this than if it hadn't happened, actually.
But it's still annoying. I really liked working for that company, and it was one of the only places I've ever worked that I was actually looking forward to staying at for a substantial amount of time. Plus, I really hate having to look for work. Oh well..