May 16, 2005 15:57
well how was today?
at first i was bad
and i dont know how it'll end.
but i hope it'll turn out good.
as i woke up this morning.
i came to realize that.
there was jelly beans shoved up eat nostril tenderling hole.
screwdrivers were crevising into the peep holes of my ears.
my eyes were ball-ging out of my head. try to escape this rampage.
my legs were weak and frail.
my skin color was morbid.
i look like i had just risin from a grave.
as i sufficated my self with cough syrup and anti-sickness pills.
i became more dafted as before.
so i decided.
i'd brew up a strong.nice.big.toasty.delicious. cup of (Cough-E).
BUT>(not) AT LAST.
i became someone i hated.
i become the big bad woof.i became the bitch.
as i barked and grawled at any creature that came after my features of the day.
my slobber.
creeping up on them like a ghost.
my venom poisoning their wonderous day.
as i scared few. and made few shit them-selves.
i thought i would just try and keep my lips sealed.
my sleepy-beauty materials got ready for the day.
as i passed away.
then waking up for more revenge and grunge-ful ty-tilians swarmed my be-love-id ambush of christful chokings.spitings.and lou-geeeesss.
i come home. to the delightful surrounds of my room.
were i will accompany my pillow and scrumpcious hospital blankets.
can you spell. Y>U>M>M>I>E?
then i will awake-to the sound of music. and i will be off to school.
in which. i chose. on my free will.
to be a nice caring person tommarow.
i will do know harm to NO-body.
i will keep all my weapons at home.
my knife.pistol.sludge-hammer,criscot, rocks, and heavy bodly materials.
i will functuate. such as humans are suposed to do.
my greedy, selfish, judgmental, bitchness, will be flushed down the toy-let before the moon comes up.
but for now. i hate you all and i hope you die.
(am i yanking you chain).
(am i pulling you whiskers).
(am i shaving your face).
*i'll let you take a gander.
now im off to:
1.hit the hay.
2.barry the dead.
3.fluff the pillows. the ball.
*(i know that you know what im doing and i know that you know its the right thing to do for me right now in this sit-u-a-tion. i love you with the passion of puke scum from an old mans sticky ass.)