Jun 16, 2005 22:00
soooooo, who wnats to cuddle at finding neverland??? whoooo!!! i love that movie so much! hm, guess who wrote their letter to lise? have you? do it! mine's better though, ahahahaha!! anyway, not much happening, i saw cinderella man with sam, it was like a date, but not at all, mr. sam checking out other girls, lol, it was cute. so anyway, party tomorrow night, whoo! i want to fuck the scarecrow from batman, OMG!!! he's the hottewst thing since elijah wood. sorry to go girly, but i think it's fair every once in awhile. ya so anyway.... uuuuuhhhhh..... sex? what? where? oh, sure why not. no osrry i dont smoke. wtf? what do you think you're doing? hey man, dont touch that! wtf? wtf mate? sweet jesus! what's that?! FUCK. well im going to walk this way... what?.... no, I have to pee.... no i really do... hey it's my bladder, i think i know whats going on down there... no i didnt mean it like that.... where's the toilet? I really do have to pee... thanks mate.