I was writing a document about my past (as bored people are want to do) and I realised that I haven't posted anything TMI in a very long time.
So, here it is:
At about the age of 3, I was diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux. For the uninitiated, this means that a valve in your urethra (your pee-pee) is faulty and some urine goes "back up" into your bladder or kidneys. This is a bad thing.
Because of this I had to have a catheter shoved up my dick (yup, owies). The procedure is called a
Voiding Cystourethrogram. When they say it's painless they're
lying. It hurts blue bloody blazers! For fuck's sake they're sticking a tube up your dick and pumping stuff directly into your bladder, of course it hurts!
I remember being strapped down to a table, I remember being injected with something in my right arm (because the vein is better there) and I distinctly remember the word "barium" being used. I also remember excruciating pain as the thing was slowly inserted.
My next trip to the toilet after that involved blood.
My privates were also subjected to a number of examinations by doctors. The slew of antibiotics I took left me with discoloured teeth (thankfully they were my baby teeth) and the infection left me with a scarred kidney.
That said I am grateful to the doctors for what they did or I may not be here today at all. ^^;;;;