May 26, 2003 17:06
Alright, I'm going to recap my weekend.
First thing I did, was come home and relax for a while. Once we finally figured out our plans, Fro, myself, and Paul left to Dave's. In the car I listened to my CD player, and looked at Fro's packet. It had some Hitler questions to which I knew the answers of. We stopped at some gasstation and got some food. We finally arrived at Dave's.
When we got there, we saw all of them out in the back. So we went out to David's back yard, and I recognized only four people right away. Dave, Andrew, Kyle, and Dar-C.
Anyway, Dave was recording some backyard wrestling action between some dude I didn't know and Andrew. Anyway, Dude flipped off some tree and landed right on his ankle. We thought Dave had all this on tape, except he actually forgot to keep the record button on. *sigh*
So this dude was lying on the ground, agonizing in pain and such. We all kinda...stared and watched.
Anyway, inside I talked to Jordan (Dar-C) about how great Dave Grohl was and how if we were gay we'd suck his cock. lol. He listened to some Foo Fighter songs and stuff..and then it happened.
If anyone remember what happened last bonfire I went to at Daves, then they remember just how many times I got my fucking balls hit. Well, I guess God likes me to relive flash backs. Enter David's room...
Okay, Dar-C just stared being drunk. He falls on the floor, and I stand there. Hef opens up the door, so the drunk Dar-C whails his fists in the air scared, and ends up nailing me in the nuts. I collapse, and curl up into a ball whining like a little girl for a good 5 minutes.
Sometimes I feel neglected in life by God. (^)
Ok, so outside Jordan was dragged out, I missed it cuz I was eating dinner. Anyway, Dar-C comes out, all wanting a girl next to him. I don't think any girls were there at that point then.
So, Jordan went on a kissing guys rampage. It was pretty gross. I suppose these things happen when you're drunk. Anyway, dude ended up wanting me next to him. So...I went next to him. And he grabbed my hand. And licked it. So I yelled. He kissed me, too. I hate life.
Jordan ended up kissing many guys.
Poor Roshan, something funny happened.
Let's see..Olivia couldn't come over that night. That sucked.
ok, Saturday nothing really happened.
Sunday, I played CJ in basketball and we started our best of 7 series in one on one basketball. The series is tied, 2-2. He is very good.
Monday...well, was very good except for some one ruining it. Olivia came over and we had a good time...till my brother ruined it. Anyway, I asked Olivia out, and she said yes.
I'll update later, but I'm happy. I have to go to Ashleys house so we can finish our project.
P.S. Blue balls sucks and is the work of Satan.