Feb 11, 2005 15:56
so yesterday was the first day of lacrosse. seeing as there is lots of snow still on the field we get to practice indoors. lacrosse indoors is deadly. the hard rubber balls going off the cement walls and flying through the air in not a big space. It was a fun time. fun was had by all except for the kid that sprained his ankle on a ball. one of the balls also seemed to find its way to my eye too. those balls hurt alot more than u think. after practice the captain said people could go to his house ,aka the lacrosse house, so i walk down to this kids christo's place so he can drive me there. we get there and theres like nobody there. there was like 8 people there. so there was beruit played. then more people finally showed up and there was more beruit played and foozball too. so its like 2 or 3 ish now and everyone starts to leave except my ride. so were just hanging around upstairs in the living room now watching 2 chicks dancing to this one song. this guy hastings would keep putting the song back on so they would keep dancing. then we played some more foozball. then we ran out of beer. then we went back upstairs and hung out up there again. then went to the mcdonalds to get some munchage. good time. didnt get back to my dorm till 6 in the morning. good thing i dont have classes on friday. fun times